Thursday, March 23, 2017

Proposal: Nil

Reached quorum 7-2. Enacted by card.

Adminned at 23 Mar 2017 17:32:44 UTC

Create a rule titled “Transplant” with the following text

If a new player joins or unidles, they morph to the Nymph state without paying it’s cost and their Nymph is set to the location Sea of Eden. Their nutrients are set to one of each type of nutrient.



23-03-2017 04:52:22 UTC

Note that if “Nil” is applied to the Type of a variable with [Type][Item] structure (for example, [Enacted][Proposal]), it would mean given that it’s “Nil”, it would be excluded of certain benefits as you’ve described, but it would also be excluded of certain <em>limitations<em> which are dependant on the type (but not on the Item).

It’s probably a waste for me to not use inactivity as a defense for this particular discovery here, so that I could use it later on because holy shit its a Core Rules change (which could help me given that if I unidle, that rule you’ve put bones me lol, and I’m convinced thats intentional lol), but oh well. Pointing it out regardless because why not.

Oracular rufio:

23-03-2017 05:08:56 UTC

That’s odd.  The blog says there’s a comment on this post, but there’s nothing here.

This basically just seems to be redefining an empty string, since Nil behaves exactly like one from your example, which would defeat the purpose of specifying that a string cannot be empty.


23-03-2017 06:11:06 UTC

I guess it would only apply in those rare cases where a rule states some string variable that can’t be empty but doesn’t give a default value in and of itself.

arthexis: he/him

23-03-2017 06:20:57 UTC

I think this adds unnecesary complexity to core rules, and its too narrow a case.  against

arthexis: he/him

23-03-2017 06:54:27 UTC

Seems like the proposal changed right before I voted, recasting to for

Kevan: he/him

23-03-2017 07:52:20 UTC

[arthritis] Welcome back. There’s a new, recent rule about proposals being editable for six hours if their comments include no actual votes.



23-03-2017 09:11:09 UTC

Actually it’s just for voting icons, so someone could make an invalid vote but still prevent editing. Probably would be CfJ’d to valid votes if the revision was important enough.


23-03-2017 09:42:16 UTC


The changing is a bit confusing, since you might be reading comments about something that isn’t in the proposal at all anymore.

Is there a way to see the proposal in it’s unamended state or something like that?


23-03-2017 10:24:03 UTC



23-03-2017 11:53:28 UTC


Kevan: he/him

23-03-2017 12:08:50 UTC

[Sphinx] Past revisions are stored and can be seen through the edit interface. Not sure whether non-admins can view other people’s, though.

[Arthexis] Apologies for the autocorrect there.

derrick: he/him

23-03-2017 13:47:03 UTC

That’s a less-than optimal starting position. I don’t have a problem with eve being the starting creature.  against for now.


23-03-2017 15:17:37 UTC


Oracular rufio:

23-03-2017 15:43:39 UTC
