Monday, April 04, 2022

Proposal: No-one has to set an alarm this time

Times out and fails 0-4 -SingularByte

Adminned at 06 Apr 2022 13:47:20 UTC

In the rule Theses, change “If a Researcher has a valid Thesis, and their Thesis has not been changed (including setting it from having previously had no thesis) for the past week they attempt to Declare Dominion Over Randomness by performing the following atomic action:”


“If a Researcher has a valid Thesis, their Thesis has not been changed (including setting it from having previously had no thesis) for the past week, and theirs is the oldest extant valid Thesis, then they are the Scholar of Randomness. The Scholar of Randomness should at any time attempt to Declare Dominion Over Randomness by performing the following atomic action:”

Add the following to the end of the same rule:

“If at any time a single Researcher has been the Scholar of Randomness for the preceding 48 consecutive hours then any Researcher may set the thesis of the Scholar of Randomness to blank.”

I’m sure SingularByte will object but the game becomes much less random and frustrating if it’s not a matter of whether I can get started in the 8 minutes between my thesis hitting a week and theirs


SingularByte: he/him

04-04-2022 13:47:27 UTC

Would this wording not make you the sole arbiter of who gets to win? After all, you can simply just sit on your current Thesis for months with no obligation to let anyone else have a go.

SingularByte: he/him

04-04-2022 14:09:33 UTC

Thinking about it, a grace period might work. If you have the oldest thesis and you’re between day 7 and day 8, nobody else can attempt it but after that, it becomes a free for all for anyone at day 7 or more?

Josh: he/they

04-04-2022 14:13:09 UTC

I’ve added a shit-or-get-off-the-pot clause - better?

SingularByte: he/him

04-04-2022 14:14:42 UTC

Works for me

Clucky: he/him

04-04-2022 17:28:39 UTC

so it gives you two days to get your thesis aligned?

that doesn’t really seem fair

feels like you already won a “random and frustrating” race to get a thesis down and now you’re trying to go “okay no more races”


Josh: he/they

04-04-2022 18:10:55 UTC

@Clucky I enacted the proposal that established theses after it had been timed out for a full day and a half; if it was a race to get a thesis in place then it certainly seems like no-one was interested in winning it.

I know that you hate the idea that I might want to make progress in the game but popping up every few days to vote down my proposals is getting a little old, if a little familiar.

Giving players two days to resolve their theses is a double edged sword; committed opposition can also use that time to establish blocking plays. This just forces the issue; it means that players have to resolve their thesis rather than sitting on them indefinitely.

Clucky: he/him

04-04-2022 18:40:53 UTC

well i mean there previously was no “whoever gets their thesis in first gets two full extra days to try and fulfill it” rule…

SingularByte: he/him

04-04-2022 19:04:19 UTC

Would it help if I promise not to attempt to Declare Dominion over Randomness for the first 48 hours that my thesis kicks in?

I’m still allowed to attempt victory in other ways of course, but this way you don’t have to worry about me sniping with that particular ability, and nobody else has hashes set so that gives 8 hours at the very least.

Josh: he/they

04-04-2022 19:14:25 UTC

I’m only half concerned about the clash at the front-end; the mechanical change here that feels more important to me is that theses have to be proven or they expire, rather than sitting around for weeks.

SingularByte: he/him

04-04-2022 19:24:08 UTC

Even so, it can be very swingy how long you might be in the queue. People might churn through it when they realise their current thesis is impossible, or people might take the full two days per thesis.
I’m fine with giving people as long as they need for it. After all, if they’re telegraphing a setup by probing, you can always wreck their plan by probing it again.

Not that it makes a difference to me though. I’m aiming to win the moment the thesis cooldown is off for me.

Josh: he/they

04-04-2022 19:26:54 UTC

I’m fine with giving people as long as they need for it. After all, if they’re telegraphing a setup by probing, you can always wreck their plan by probing it again.

That’s basically my position; extra time isn’t really much of a help, here, and this proposal is really just establishing how the mechanic should have worked in the first place.

Raven1207: Monarchple he/they

05-04-2022 01:31:30 UTC


SingularByte: he/him

05-04-2022 04:24:01 UTC

I promise to not Declare Dominion Over Randomness until at least nine days have passed since I first set my thesis but I prefer the current version of how things work. Setup can take time.

Josh: he/they

05-04-2022 08:19:45 UTC

FWIW SingularByte I won’t be considering that promise binding.


06-04-2022 04:14:05 UTC
