Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Proposal: Not Cool Man

Can’t enact with 7 votes against and 1 for. Failed by Kevan.

Adminned at 02 Feb 2012 10:27:32 UTC

Create a new dynastic rule named “Boos”, and give it the text:

Every Musician has an amount of Boos, a nonnegative integer tracked in the GNDT that defaults to 0.

Each Musician has a list of names tracked in a GNDT column named “Targets.”

A Band Member may Boo another Musician if they have not cast a Booed in the last 72 hours. When a Musician Boos another Musician, they add that Musician’s name to their Targets, and increase the targeted Musician’s Boos by 1.

Remove all irrelevant information from the GNDT, and create a new column named “Boos”.

Create a new dynastic rule named “Awkwardness”, and give it the text:

Awkwardness is a nonnegative integer, tracked in the GNDT in the Frontman’s Boos field. Whenever a Musician joins Blognomic, or unidles for the first time in the dynasty, the Awkwardness is increased by 1.

When a Musician has a number of Boos greater than or equal to the Awkwardness, the Frontman may Write them Off and reveal their Style. Everytime a Musician is Written Off, the Awkwardness drops by 1.

A Musician who has been Written Off does not count as a Musician for the purpose of any other Dynastic Rule, except for the rule “Lollapalooza”

Set the Awkwardness to 12.

Create a new Dynastic Rule, named “Lollapalooza”, and give it the text:

Every Musician has a Coolness, a integer tracked in the GNDT that defaults to 0

When all Musicians who have not been Written Off are of the same style, that style becomes the Band’s Style. Every Musician of the Band’s Style then loses one Coolness for each name in their Targets of a Musician of the Band’s Style, and gains two Coolness for each name in their Targets of a Musician of the opposing style. The Musician with the most Coolness then wins the game.

Create a new GNDT column “Coolness”

My restyled mechanic for player conflict. Now only Band Members can Boo, and successfully targeting an opponent gets you two Coolness. And Coolness is now a GNDT column to avoid apparent ambiguity.


Clucky: he/him

01-02-2012 18:36:44 UTC

against Too soon for victory conditions

Clucky: he/him

01-02-2012 18:40:36 UTC

Even without that “cast a Booed” isn’t defined. Everyone can just Boo whoever they want. Put them together and Dynasty could end right away.


01-02-2012 18:49:33 UTC

Clucky, I’m pretty sure “cast” would fall under obvious typographical mistakes.


01-02-2012 19:12:48 UTC

against  Too soon for victory conditions

Josh: he/they

01-02-2012 22:13:34 UTC



02-02-2012 01:51:58 UTC

against because “Remove all irrelevant information from the GNDT” hits some things it shouldn’t in the configuration, like the color scheme.

Darknight: he/him

02-02-2012 06:41:54 UTC


Kevan: he/him

02-02-2012 10:18:04 UTC

against Too early for a victory condition, and “irrelevant information” is an odd thing to delete (irrelevant to the game, or to this proposal?).

And despite the odd grammar of “cast a Booed”, its “they” is ambiguous - it can be equally clearly read as “if a player hasn’t Booed for 72 hours, you may Boo that player repeatedly”.


02-02-2012 16:48:55 UTC
