Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Proposal: Not Nutrientpathic Either

Self-Killed. Failed by card.

Adminned at 22 Mar 2017 01:52:15 UTC

In “Nutrients”, change

The statolith may store any number of nutrients it is given.


Each Creature has a “supply” of nutrients. This is tracked in a “supply” field in the GNT on a single (but not fixed) organ belonging to that creature. It does not matter which organ tracks the supply as long as there is only one at any time and that organ has the appropriate creature. These are tracked in the GNDT as the first letter of those nutrients, followed by the number of those nutrients stored. (eg. a supply with two units of Blonium and one of Nonium would track this as “b2g0n1m0”.)

in Moods, Habitat, and all paragraphs of Nutrients that don’t start with “As a weekly action”, replace all instances of “the statolith” with “its creature’s supply”.

Move all nutrients currently in the statolith to the creature named “Eve”


This should finish the creature splitting.


derrick: he/him

21-03-2017 16:21:14 UTC

against self kill. Just noticed I specified only part of the paragraph to replace.

Oracular rufio:

21-03-2017 16:38:25 UTC

You could have just edited it…

derrick: he/him

21-03-2017 16:52:39 UTC

ugg. brain not working…


21-03-2017 17:07:55 UTC

Do I still get cloned? I do hope so.


21-03-2017 17:17:17 UTC

So we can assume that if say an organ who the supply is tracked on is ejected from their creature involuntarily, it would switch to another creature if that organ still exists?

derrick: he/him

21-03-2017 19:39:02 UTC

No, because the supply is merely tracked by, not attached to, an organ in the creature: otherwise it would matter which creature has the supply.