Monday, August 20, 2012

Proposal: Now where did I leave that portal gun?

Self-killed. — Quirck

Adminned at 22 Aug 2012 01:14:08 UTC

Amend Rule 2.2 (Upgrades) by appending the following {}-delimited text to the list of possible upgrades:

* Input: 2 Empty Pies. Output: 1 Portal Pie

Amend Rule 2.3.2 (The Holy Dance) by replacing “posses” with “possesses”, and “whose the Position” with “whose Position”.



20-08-2012 03:27:56 UTC


Weren’t the upgrade list-change and the “whose the position” change part of the initial Portal Proposal and its correction, respectively?  What happens when a proposal just isn’t copied to the ruleset correctly?

Clucky: Puzzle Master he/him

20-08-2012 04:07:14 UTC

actually adding the pie/upgrades I just brain farted when enacting the proposal. other stuff is just typos that can legally be fixed as well.  against

quirck: he/him

20-08-2012 09:05:55 UTC

against per Clucky


20-08-2012 12:43:43 UTC



20-08-2012 13:08:25 UTC

Btw, do we actually have a rule to specify what happens when a Proposal is not enacted correctly? It seems only fair to correct the ruleset if we notice the problem soon enough, but I can’t see what in the ruleset allows us to do that; besides, if the mistake isn’t spotted until much later, and some illegal actions are taken because of the wrong ruleset, what do we do?
3.2 Gamestate Tracking covers that kind of things for the GNDT only
(If a Baker feels that the GNDT was altered such that it no longer matches the gamestate (such as by performing an action which was against the Rules (as they were at the time of the alteration), or by any other means), they may simply undo the effects of that alteration. Instead of repeatedly reverting and re-reverting a disputed GNDT update, Bakers are encouraged to raise a Call for Judgement instead.),
but I can’t find an equivalent for non-GNDT tracked gamestate and for the ruleset itself.

quirck: he/him

20-08-2012 13:28:23 UTC

There was a similar issue when Ienpw III enacted “Geronimo” in the Factory Dynasty. I can’t recall precisely what he replied then, but the idea was that the rule is still in the ruleset, it’s just that the wiki page does not reflect this.

Formally Ruleset seems to be part of Gamestate because the Ruleset regulates the alteration of the Ruleset :) But I don’t see anything that clearly allows to correct improperly enacted proposals.


20-08-2012 13:49:40 UTC

The wiki page is not the ruleset itself; the ruleset doesn’t actually exist except in the minds of the players and the legal fictions of the nomic. The reason we write it down is because it helps to remember what it is, and helps to communicate it ot new players. But if the wiki page doesn’t match the ruleset, it’s simply wrong, but that doesn’t have any effect on the game, or on the actual ruleset. (This isn’t codified into the rules, but is the usual “default” state of nomics. It’s also mandatory to do it like that to avoid several obvious scams, and codifying it into the rules wouldn’t actually have any effect on those scams.)


20-08-2012 14:50:51 UTC

Well I guess if there was to be a “nomic championship”, a good solution would be to have a (non-player) referee be the only person able to edit the actual, physical, ruleset.


20-08-2012 17:58:50 UTC

against sk