Proposal: Official ousting, attempt 2
Times out and passes at 11-3. -Purplebeard
Adminned at 19 Apr 2011 01:41:22 UTC
Create a new rule, “Ousting”, with the following text:
As a weekly action, a Sheep can Oust an Official Position currently held by some Sheep by spending 2 Baabucks. Upon doing so, the position in question ceases to be held, and the Sheep who held it just before the Ousting gains 2 Baabucks; additionally, daily and weekly actions described in that Office’s Powers cannot be performed for 48 hours.
The same idea as before, with a few additional safeguards: there are some frequency safeguards (tying it to a weekly action, putting a timeout on actions associated with the official position), and some eligibility safeguards (instead of getting the position automatically, you have to make it vacant then take it yourself (possibly in the same GNDT update), which improve the interactions between this and hypothetical proposals that might want to modify how official positions are filled).
This would make the game too chaotic for my taste. I would only even /consider/ voting “for” on a rule like this if the price was raised to 10 baabucks or higher. A proposal like this would leave no time for new officials to get used to their position for someone ousting them of it. Plus, it doesn’t seem fair to oust an official even if they’re performing dutifully.