Proposal: OK - it was a mistake
Reached quorum, 10-0.—Kevan
Adminned at 29 Aug 2006 20:17:07 UTC
Make the following substitutions throughout the ruleset.
Section Leader -> Admin
Section Leaders -> Admins
Reached quorum, 10-0.—Kevan
Adminned at 29 Aug 2006 20:17:07 UTC
Make the following substitutions throughout the ruleset.
Section Leader -> Admin
Section Leaders -> Admins
Only because it implies connection to instruments being played, and things, though. I’m not against renaming Admins to something equally detached.
Chronos Phaenon, since this was proposed by Thelonious his vote is automatically , so you might as well have voted
instead of
Thrawn, you should be aware that your vote is deferential (not that it matters - as you were trying to point out to CP). It’s always your last vote that counts. From R1.4 “If a Musician casts more than one Vote on a Proposal, only the most recent of those Votes is counted.”. We have always interpreted vote icons further down a post to be “later”.
I know. I was only expressing I’m indifferent to the proposition and will follow Thel’s judgement on this…
: $10
: $20
: Priceless.
Some things money can’t buy, but for there’s always MasterCard.
ChronosPhaenon: Idle