Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Proposal: OK - it was a mistake

Reached quorum, 10-0.—Kevan

Adminned at 29 Aug 2006 20:17:07 UTC

Make the following substitutions throughout the ruleset.

Section Leader -> Admin
Section Leaders -> Admins


ChronosPhaenon: Idle

29-08-2006 11:17:13 UTC


Kevan: he/himIdle

29-08-2006 11:40:41 UTC

for Only because it implies connection to instruments being played, and things, though. I’m not against renaming Admins to something equally detached.

Thrawn: Idle

29-08-2006 13:25:32 UTC

Chronos Phaenon, since this was proposed by Thelonious his vote is automatically for, so you might as well have voted for instead of imperial

Hix: Idle

29-08-2006 13:36:37 UTC


Thelonious: Idle

29-08-2006 14:47:45 UTC

Thrawn, you should be aware that your vote is deferential (not that it matters - as you were trying to point out to CP).  It’s always your last vote that counts.  From R1.4 “If a Musician casts more than one Vote on a Proposal, only the most recent of those Votes is counted.”.  We have always interpreted vote icons further down a post to be “later”.

Thrawn: Idle

29-08-2006 14:50:06 UTC

But as I said, it doesn’t really matter.

Thrawn: Idle

29-08-2006 14:51:46 UTC

Whoops, didn’t read inside the brackets.

Bucky: Idle

29-08-2006 14:51:56 UTC


Cosmologicon: Idle

29-08-2006 15:41:03 UTC


ChronosPhaenon: Idle

29-08-2006 17:39:22 UTC

I know. I was only expressing I’m indifferent to the proposition and will follow Thel’s judgement on this…

Rodney: Idle

29-08-2006 17:56:16 UTC


Quazie: Idle

29-08-2006 22:12:01 UTC


epylar: Idle

30-08-2006 01:44:31 UTC

for: $10
against: $20
imperial: Priceless.

Some things money can’t buy, but for veto there’s always MasterCard.