Proposal: Old Man and the Sea
Procedurally Vetoed. - lilomar
Adminned at 06 Aug 2010 13:38:56 UTC
Enact a new GREEN Dynastic Rule, entitled “We’re Completely Sane Here”, with the following text:
There exists an item called the Left Hand, which must have exactly one owner. Ownership of the Left Hand is indicated by appending the letter L to its owner’s Treason value in the GDNT.
Whenever a Citizen is terminated, that player becomes the owner of the Left Hand.
Because it is traitorous, the Citizen owning the Left Hand cannot vote AGAINST a proposal (though they can of course vote DEFERENTIAL, allowing the infinite wisdom of the High-Programmer to prevail). If that Citizen does so, any Citizen or Officer can Demote him one Clearance level if no one has done so already.
This is also TREASON.