Proposal: On Both Your Houses
Timed out popular, 7-0. Josh
Adminned at 27 Feb 2021 20:09:00 UTC
If a sentence that includes the text “all Electors with the highest Mistrust and all Electors with the second-highest Mistrust” exists in the rule “Ethics of the Nobility” then replace that sentence with the following:
At any time, a Faction’s Mistrust is the sum total of the Mistrust of all Electors who have it as their Faction; all Factions which have the highest Mistrust are Prominent Factions, and any Electors who has their Faction set to a Prominent Faction is a Patrician. A Patrician’s Political Heft is always considered to be zero, unless all Electors with the same Faction as that Patrician (including the Patrician themself) have the same Secret Faction.
Replace the sentence that begins “An Elector may change either piece of information at any time” in the rule “Factions” with the following:
An Elector may change either piece of information to any surname on the list of Italian surnames wiki page, either by changing their Faction directly in the tracking document as a Daily Action, or by private messaging the Doge to change their Secret Faction as a Daily Action.
Clucky had a good point in the comments of “Too Many Cooks.” I think large Factions should be vulnerable, Faction-switching should have a time cost, and Mistrust should be contagious.
Clucky: he/him
Should it be a daily action, or once per season?
I think the most interesting way to do things from a gameplay perspective is that you tell Josh what you want your new private and public faction to be. Then, as part of the masquerade process, he updates all those requests. That way we don’t get any “change my faction to match yours, only for you to change yours away from mine, and we’re caught in a game whoever can align their daily actions right”