On prefects
Just a heads up in case anyone wants to CfJ: As I interpret the rules, there are currently no prefects. ‘Nobody’s Prefect’ abolished the Prefect status, and introduced the Prefect title, which are two different conditions. Brendan could reassign them at any time, of course, but at the moment no Student has the Prefect title.
For reference, the following Students were Prefects before ‘Nobody’s Prefect’ passed: Bucky, Darknight, Kevan, Purplebeard, Roujo, FuzzyLogic, William and Macgeorge
Brendan: he/him
The A+ grades have led to a mild shakeup: new Prefects are Kevan, Purplebeard, Roujo, Blacky, FuzzyLogic, William, Alecto, and Greytyphoon.