Proposal: One Good Turn
Withdrawn. Failed by Kevan.
Adminned at 08 Jun 2022 14:51:45 UTC
Enact a new rule, “Confidants”:-
Each Guardian may have any Atlantean as their Confidant, tracked publicly, and defaulting to having no Confidant. A Guardian may change their own Confidant to any Atlantean, or to nobody, at any time.
If an Atlantean is the Confidant of another Atlantean, then they may take a Declaring action on that Atlantean’s behalf, as if they were that Atlantean.
Allowing a trusted player (or the Emperor) to perform a Declaring action on behalf of another, to see if that gets around some of the timezone and inattentiveness issues. If you know what you want to do on your turn (or can enumerate all possible options, or are happy for your accomplice to wing it), you can privately ask someone else to take that turn on your behalf, if you’re not online when it comes around.
I’ll happily take complex private instructions or vague requests to do whatever seems useful, as Emperor - with the major caveat that the Emperor is often oblivious to how best to play their own dynasty, and that I’ll obviously play it as if I don’t know what the current Prophecy is.
Trapdoorspyder: he/him
I’m worried that this just allows infinite declarings, as I’m not sure if this is tied to the usual conditions or not. I’d be even more dubious if this wasn’t coming from the emporer.