Tuesday, June 09, 2015

One Moment Please

(I’m pretty busy at a work conference today, but I should have an Ascension Address posted tomorrow. Thank you for your patience.)



09-06-2015 16:31:53 UTC

I just imagined some classic elevator music here.


Darknight: he/him

09-06-2015 23:37:16 UTC

No rush. I’ve had to spend the last few days recovering from a bad hospital trip leading dizzy spell so I haven’t been keeping much of an eye here.

Josh: he/they

10-06-2015 14:49:02 UTC

Get well soon, Darknight!

Brendan: he/him

10-06-2015 14:58:52 UTC

Yes, incidents of hospitalization among players here are much too high lately. Hope you’re better soon.