Proposal: Parental Instinct
Quorums 9-0. — Quirck
Adminned at 13 Mar 2017 12:57:52 UTC
To the list of organs add:
Egg Sack: An egg sack may spend one of each nutrient to lay an egg cluster in the cell the creature is in, if that cell contains no neighbors that are not seaweed. Its state is unfertilized, it has no fathers yet, its cell is the current cell, and its mother is the organ that laid it.
Enact a new rule, “Egg Clusters”
egg clusters are tracked on the Habitat Map as numbers, in order of creation, with the first egg sack being numbered one.
An egg cluster that shares a cell with a neighbor that is not seaweed at any time is changed to the stage “Destroyed”
The map of habitat tracks the following information about each egg cluster:
*Number: A unique number, starting at 1 for the first egg cluster and counting upward by 1
*Location: A location on the habitat map.
*Mother: The organ that laid the egg cluster.
*Fathers: The name(s) of the organ(s), if any, that have fertilized the eggs, along with the number of times they have done so.
*Stage: One of the following (in order): Unfertilized, Needs Blonium, Needs Gonium, Needs Nomium, Needs Miconium, Mature, and Destroyed.
This is a maternal creature, that cares for its young—at least before they hatch.
Each egg cluster will have one mother, but many fathers, as each egg will only produce a single organ.
This setup intentionally requires both nutrients and location to be correct to produce young. Laying the egg cluster is also intentionally expensive and difficult.
The rule is intentionally left unfinished.
I’m not certain whether you want sea weed, mussels or tube worms can kill egg sacks.