People who work need jobs, Draft 2
Create a new Rule “Position” with the text:
Each Worker has a value “Position” tracked in the GDNT. This Position is tracked by a 3 letter abreviation and is chosen from the list below. Each Position has the following attributes:
=Position Acronym=
Name: The full name of the Position
Job Type: Either Labor or Managment
Job Requirements: What activities the person with this Position may perform
Wage Increase: What, if any, increase to the Wage results during a “Raise”The CEO may occasionally post a Story Post to the main page titled “Promotions/Demotions” which list any changes to the current list of Available Positions (below) and any changes in the Positions of the current Active Workers. Any Worker that becomes inactive has eir Position reset to GWF.
Current Available Positions:
Name: General Workforce
Job Type: Laborer
Job Requirements: Any Worker that has this Position may occasionally add a single entry to either the Parts or Variables section of the machine. Upon doing so E must post a Story Post explaining eir action within 48 hours or the Part or Variable added to the Machine will be removed.
Wage Increase: $5
Name: Quality Control Clerk
Job Type: Laborer
Job Requirements: Any Worker that has this Position may occasionally remove a single entry from either the Parts of Variables section of the Machine. Upon doing so E must post a Story Post explaining eir action with 48 hours or the Part or Variable removed from the Machine will be added again.
Wage Increase: $5
Name: Moral Department Management
Job Type: Management
Job Requirements: Any Worker that has this Position must make all posts and proposals using one of the following poetic forms: Haiku, Lymeric, or Sonnet.
Wage Increase: $50
Name: Human Resources Manager
Job Type: Management
Job Requirements: Any Worker that has this Position may Occasionally make a Story Post to the main page titled “Pay Day” or “Raise”. If the Worker makes a Pay Day Post, every acvtive Worker may increase their Net Worth by their current Wage within 72 hours of the Story Post. If the Worker makes a Raise Post, every active Worker may increase eir current Wage by the Wage Increase aspect of eir Position.
Mkay, so basic idea for the next step, help me work this out :) How’s that look guys?
Does the “Promotions/Demotions” post allow you to create new positions, or does it just let you make positions from the current list available/inavailable.
Similarly, can the General Workforce guys make up new parts and variables, or are they adding more of parts that exist.