Proposal: Phonics are Fun
Self-Killed / Skju
Adminned at 21 Jul 2013 08:54:04 UTC
Amend the rule “(o)” to read:
There is a GNDT column labeled “Eyes” which defaults to 1. All split-complex numbers are valid values of Eyes and should be simplified or else written in the form a+bj, where j != ±1, and j² = +1. If a Player doesn’t have an Image, their Real Eyes (a) must be set to 0. If a Player doesn’t have a Style, their Imaginary Eyes (b) must be set to 0.
A Player with 0 Eyes may be called a “Debtor”. A Player with a positive integer number of Real Eyes may be called a “Phone” and described as “Phonic”.
If the proposal “Eyeless in Gaza” passed, append to the rule “(o)”:
Each Image and each Style contains a number of Sockets, equal to the number of the top level section that item is listed in on the Wikipedia link (eg. “Everyday life†items have 7 Sockets, while “Science†items have 10).
As a weekly Action, a Phone may set their Real Eyes to any integer value between 1 and 24 (inclusive). If a Player’s Real Eyes value is greater than the total number of Sockets in their Image and Style, and also greater than 1, then that Player is Impossible. If it can be proven that a Player was Impossible at some time during the current Dynasty, then that Player cannot declare Victory.
Title says it all.