Proposal: Plastic
Times out and fails, 1-5. -Bucky
Adminned at 25 Jun 2010 08:11:03 UTC
If the proposal entitled “Victory Condition” fails, and this proposal is enacted, first enact “Victory Condition” as if it were part 0 of this proposal. The actions proposed here, if enacted, must be done in order.
Part 1: There is a special item called the cheap plastic imitation of the Amulet of Yendor. There is also a special item called the real Amulet of Yendor.
Part 2: Change all references of the “Amulet of Yendor” in the ruleset to the “real Amulet of Yendor”. Change the rule entitled “The Amulet” to read:
There is a special item called the Amulet of Yendor. Any Amulet of Yendor that is not part of an @‘s inventory has a Dungeon Level, tracked in the RNG’s row in the GNDT. While the Amulet of Yendor is in an @‘s Inventory, if they Die as a result of Fighting another @ or another @ Fighting them, that other @ has the Amulet of Yendor added to their Inventory. Similarly, if they Die due to any other cause, an Amulet of Yendor is created, having a Dungeon Level equal to that @‘s Dungeon Level.
There is an item called the Amulet of Yendor spawner. The Amulet of Yendor spawner has a Dungeon Level, tracked in the RNG’s row in the GNDT. If an @ has an Amulet of Yendor spawner in their inventory, the Amulet of Yendor spawner is removed from their inventory, they receive an Amulet of Yendor, and a second Amulet of Yendor has a Dungeon Level equal to the @‘s Dungeon Level. No @ may hold more than one Amulet of Yendor.
If no @ has the same Dungeon Level as the Amulet of Yendor spawner, and the Amulet of Yendor spawner’s Dungeon Level is greater than 1, and the Amulet of Yendor spawner has had the same Dungeon Level for the previous 48 hours and since the start of the week, any @ may decrease the Amulet of Yendor spawner’s Dungeon Level by 1.
If an @‘s Dungeon Level is 0, and they have the real Amulet of Yendor in their Inventory, they achieve victory. If an @‘s Dungeon Level is 0, and they have an Amulet of Yendor in their Inventory, they roll a DICE2. If the result is 1, they achieve victory. If the result is 2, replace the @‘s Amulet of Yendor with a cheap plastic imitation of the Amulet of Yendor, and replace the other existing Amulet of Yendor with the real Amulet of Yendor. Then, the @ Dies.
If there is a real Amulet of Yendor, all Amulets of Yendor are removed from the game.
Part 3: If a majority of EVC’s of this proposal include the phrase ‘I am Still Alive’, replace the last sentence of the rule entitled “The Amulet” to read:
Then, the @‘s Dungeon Level becomes 1.
Part 4: In the rule entitled “Dungeon”, change the text:
If the attempt is successful, and their Dungeon Level is less than the Amulet of Yendor’s, they increase their Dungeon Level by 1. If the attempt is successful and they have the same Dungeon Level as the Amulet of Yendor and no @ has an Amulet of Yendor in their Inventory, they add the Amulet of Yendor to their Inventory. If the attempt is successful, and either their Dungeon Level is greater than the Amulet of Yendor’s or they have the Amulet of Yendor in their Inventory, they decrease their Dungeon Level by 1.
On any successful attempt, they decrease their Kills to 0.
If the attempt is successful, and their Dungeon Level is not equal to that of an Amulet of Yendor’s or the Amulet of Yendor spawner’s, they must either increase or decrease their Dungeon Level by 1. If the attempt is successful, and their Dungeon Level is equal to that of the Amulet of Yendor spawner’s, the Amulet of Yendor spawner is added to their inventory. If the attempt is successful, and their Dungeon Level is equal to that of an Amulet of Yendor which is not part of an @‘s inventory, that Amulet of Yendor is added to the @‘s inventory.
On any successful attempt, they decrease their Kills to 0.
Part 5: Add a sub-rule to the rule “Victory Condition” entitled “Recognition”, which reads as follows:
An Amulet of Yendor can be Recognized. When this happens, the RNG rolls a DICE2. If the result is 1, the Amulet of Yendor is replaced with the real Amulet of Yendor, and the other Amulet of Yendor becomes the cheap plastic imitation of the Amulet of Yendor. If the result is 2, the Amulet of Yendor is replaced with the cheap plastic imitation of the Amulet of Yendor, and the other Amulet of Yendor becomes the real Amulet of Yendor.
Add another sub-rule to the rule “Victory Condition” entitled “Limits”, which reads as follows:
No action may be taken that changes the number of Amulets of Yendor to a number other than 0 or 2. No action may be taken that changes the number of Amulets of Yendor to 0 unless there exists a real Amulet of Yendor or an Amulet of Yendor spawner. This sub-rule supersedes all other rules.
There are two purposes to this rule. First of all, it is to include my favorite item in the game, the cheap plastic imitation of the Amulet of Yendor. Secondly, it will reduce the level of ‘chaotic free-for-all’ that is involved with the proposal “Victory Condition.”
1) if a majority of EVC’s on the proposal include that phrase (IaSA), then the last paragraphs will read:
which is not, I believe, what you were aiming for.
2) Why have a spawner? If the proposal is enacted as-written, then no Amulet of Yendor exists, and there is no way to add an Amulet of Yendor spawner to your inventory. Surely it would be simpler to just say that if an @ has an Amulet of Yendor in their inventory, if there are no other Amulets of Yendor in existance, another Amulet of Yendor appears on the same Dungeon Level as that @.
3) There should be a way for an @ to Recognize an Amulet for themselves if they are on level 0, so that they can Achieve Victory instead of waiting to be mauled by other @‘s while the RNG takes his time rolling DICE2.
4) I’m not convinced a free-for-all would be bad, not sure it would be good, but not convinced it would be bad.