Proposal: Plight of the Navigator
Timed out 3 votes to 6. Failed by Kevan.
Adminned at 17 Dec 2021 08:07:54 UTC
In the rule “Road Map”, after the first paragraph, add the following:
Stops may not have the same Names as one another. If two or more Stops would have identical Names, the Stop among them with the highest number has “Another ” added to the beginning of its Name.
Add the following subrule, called “Navigation”, to the rule “Road Map”:
A Route is a type of Story Post that is a Votable Matter. A Route must have the “[Route]” tag in its title. The body of a Route must outline the Name, Capacity, and Type of one or more Suggested Stops. A Suggested Stop is a type of Stop that is not listed in the publicly tracked list of Stops, instead being tracked only in a single Pending Route. A Suggested Stop is not considered a Stop for rules other than “Navigation”.
If a Pending Route is Unpopular, any Admin may Fail it. If a Pending Route is Popular and has been open for voting for at least 12 hours, any Admin may Enact it by appending that Route’s Suggested Stops, in the order they are listed, to the list of Stops.
Any Tripper who is not the author of a currently Pending Route may post a Route.
where are we going, anyway?
Josh: he/they