Proposal: Poetry
Times out and fails 5-7 / Skju
Adminned at 22 Jul 2013 16:31:38 UTC
Enact a new Rule entitled “\{'/}”:
No Dynastic Rule may have a name that is a word in English or any other natural language.
Enact a new Rule entitled “&~!”:
There is a GNDT column labeled “Irises” and a GNDT column labeled “Slips”, both of which default to 0.
A Play is a type of Votable Matter. Any Player with an Image may submit a Play, in accordance with a Form, the name of which shall prefice the Play’s Subject, if they do not have any other Plays pending at the time. A Play should be somehow relevant to its Player’s Image, and, if indicated by the Player and if they have one, their Style. Players should vote FOR a Play if they think that it is relevant to its Player’s Image and conforms with its Form.
Any pending Play may be enacted by any Admin if either of the following is true:
* It has a number of FOR Votes that exceed or equal Quorum and has been pending for at least 14 hours.
* It has been pending for at least 28 hours, it has more than 1 valid Vote cast on it, and more valid Votes cast on it are FOR than are AGAINST.
Any pending Play may be failed by any Admin if either of the following are true:
* The number of Players who are not voting AGAINST it is less than Quorum.
* It has been pending for at least 48 hours and cannot be Enacted.
* It has been pending for more than 6 days.When a Play is enacted, its Player gains a number of Irises equal to the its Form’s Weight. If its Player indicated that it is also relevant to their Style and they have one, they additionally gain the same number of Slips.
Enact a new Subrule of “&~!” entitled “:%°”:
The following are valid poetic Forms with brief descriptions and their Weights in parentheses:
* Free Verse; unrestricted poem (1)
* Haiku; three lines with 5, 7, and 5 syllables respectively (2)
* Quatrain; four lines, at least two ending in words that rhyme with one another (2)
* English Sonnet; fourteen lines with ABAB CDCD EFEF GG rhyme scheme (3)
* Terza Rima; fourteen lines with ABA BCB CDC DAD AA rhyme scheme (3)
* Villanelle; see [] (4)
* Sestina; 39 lines with end-word repetition scheme ABCDEF FAEBDC CFDABE ECBFAD DEACFB BDFECA EDA, the last three lines including F, B, and C, respectively (5)If a Play with one of these Forms is also in a constant meter (i.e. each line having the same number of the same metrical foot) and its Player indicates such, the Weight is increased by one for the Play in question.
In the Rule “<><", change "If a Player has an Image and has not has not changed their Image within the last 48 hours" to "If a Player has an Image, has not changed their Image within the last 48 hours, and does not have a pending Play".
Enact a new Rule entitled "…":
Each Player with a Style may change it once. Repeal this Rule 72 hours after “Poetry” passed.
Contains enough flexibility to not discriminate based on ability.
Reward Irises and Slips; require Stylistic explanation upon use. Implement visual, auditory, other arts.
Currently independent of Eyes because of Eyeless. May consolidate.
As free verse is unrestricted, giving it a constant meter is trivial at this point…