Proposal: Preparations for the Big Night
4 to 0 after 48 hours. Enacted by Derrick.
Adminned at 22 Oct 2017 20:05:58 UTC
Add to the rule Time:
When the Time Becomes “The Big Night”, All Trick or Treaters will have their tricks set to 20, their treats set to 20, and their location set to main street
When the time becomes “The big night” the hardware store will be stocked with one of each possible combination of costume type and costume style.
When the time becomes “The big night”:
*The hardware store will be stocked with one of each possible combination of costume type and costume style.
*The Police station will be stocked with 1 cheap superhero costumes, 1 spooky superhero costume, and 1 sneaky superhero costume
*The cemetary will be stocked with 1 ecologically responsible skeleton costume, 1 Spooky skeleton costume, 1 cheap skeleton costume, 1 homemade ghost costume, and 1 sneaky ghost costume
*The ominous castle will be stocked with 2 expensive prince or princess costumes
*The spooky woods will be stocked with 1 spooky witch or wizard costume, 1 sneaky witch or wizard costume, and one homemade witch or wizard costume
*The shipwreck will be stocked with 1 spooky pirate costume, 1 expensive pirate costume, and 1 cheap pirate costume
Set Gullibility scores as follows:
Adams: 4
Scarecrows: 3
Greenbergs: 6
Tuckers: 5
Jones: 7
Remove the trick value from all houses except scarecrows
Set the Candy Type of the Adams to Licorice
In “Trick or Treating” add to the first paragraph.
Candy types consisting of more than one word may be labeled by their initials in the GNDT
Change the name of the rule “Trick or Treat” to “Tricks and Treats”
These might have been several seperate rules, but individually they’re not big deals and we seem to have a dearth of proposals, so I’m suggesting this. With the passage of this proposal, the game should be totally playable. Once the big night starts.