Proposal: Promotion Paradox
Illegally made third pending proposal from the same person—Clucky
Adminned at 21 Jan 2022 18:59:47 UTC
In “Job Titles”, change the sentence beginning with:
Within each Department, an Employee may be said to be managing all Employees whose Seniority is exactly one less than their own
Within each Department, an Employee may be said to be managing all Employees whose Seniority is exactly one or two less than their own, and may be said to be being managed by all Employees whose Seniority is exactly one or two greater than their own.
The current rules don’t allow for anybody to be promoted (promoting someone to the same or higher rank as you isn’t allowed, but you can only promote people one rank below you) and promoting someone to the same rank as you doesn’t make sense, so let’s just increase the amount of people an Employee can manage
edit: remove unnecessary quotes
Zack: he/him