Wednesday, March 05, 2014

Proposal: Alien attack!

Each day, there shall be a chance for the Alien to Attack and Infected. The Alien Attacks if rolling a DICE 5 results in a 2 or 1. The Alien will then Attack a random Infected, with all Infecteds equally probable.

The Attacked Infected then incurs the following changes: their Mutation increases by 2 and their Limbs decrease by 1.



05-03-2014 00:28:45 UTC

This is my first proposal, did I do it right? Did I word it properly?

RaichuKFM: she/her

05-03-2014 02:26:17 UTC

A few issues with it: it isn’t in the Proposal category, and it needs to create a rule to properly modify the Ruleset. For convenience I’ll just link the relevant Newbie Guide category. If you need more help, don’t hesitate to ask.

On the subject of the Proposal itself, instead of randomly handicapping an Infected a better idea could be that the Alien could instead give them a random boost to one Limb and a penalty to another, though I’m unsure of that mechanic too. The wording is a bit shaky as well, but not that hard to clean up. Thematically I don’t know if the Alien would be this hostile to its Infected, but it might be justified as it just being fickle.

RaichuKFM: she/her

05-03-2014 03:48:38 UTC

Oops, I meant random boost to one Phenotype.

Kevan: he/him

05-03-2014 09:51:55 UTC

This is also vague on how the attack roll actually happens. Who rolls the die? Does “each day” mean “once per day”, or can we all roll as many times as we like?