Saturday, December 04, 2010

Proposal: Proposal: Gods with Grammar

SKed - DK

Adminned at 05 Dec 2010 11:37:10 UTC

In the rule “Playthings,” replace the following:

  * If the comment includes the word “Torment,” the Divinity Torments the Plaything. If the Divinity has a Negative Influence in one of the spheres affecting the Plaything, they may increase their Prominence by up to V.
  * If the comment includes the word “Uplift,” the Divinity Uplifts the Plaything. If the Divinity has a Positive Influence in one of the spheres affecting the Plaything, they may increase their Prominence by up to X.


  * If the comment includes the word “Torment,” “Torments,” “Tormenting,” “Tormented,” or “Tormenter,” the Divinity Torments the Plaything. If the Divinity has a Negative Influence in one of the spheres affecting the Plaything, they may increase their Prominence by up to V.
  * If the comment includes the word “Uplift,” “Uplifts,” “Uplifting,” “Uplifted,” or “Uplifter,” the Divinity Uplifts the Plaything. If the Divinity has a Positive Influence in one of the spheres affecting the Plaything, they may increase their Prominence by up to X.

To give us some grammatical flexibility in our meddlings.


Thelas: Idle

04-12-2010 13:55:50 UTC

imperial - this isn’t particularly important.

Subrincinator: Idle

04-12-2010 14:05:12 UTC

for I want to be able to legally say “Subrincinator Torments Ed,” and not have the action be disqualified because I conjugated the verb.

Kevan: he/himIdle

04-12-2010 14:10:30 UTC


Purplebeard: Idle

04-12-2010 14:22:06 UTC

imperial -insert Python joke here-

Josh: he/they

04-12-2010 14:28:12 UTC


Brendan: he/himIdle

04-12-2010 16:42:48 UTC

This is ridiculous.  “Torments,” “Tormenting,” “Tormented” and “Tormenter” all include the word “Torment.”  If somebody tries to disqualify you for it—which they won’t—then CfJ.


scshunt: Idle

04-12-2010 16:47:00 UTC


redtara: they/themIdle

04-12-2010 17:41:07 UTC

for I don’t think it sets good precedence to have words inside of words count.

List of words in the previous sentence, to illustrate:

I, don’t, think, it, sets, good, precedence, to, have, words, inside, of, words, count, do, on, hi, in, ink, it, set, go, goo, precede, recede, cede, eden, den, ha, ave, word, side.

Brendan: he/himIdle

04-12-2010 17:49:14 UTC

How many of those are capitalized?

lilomar: Idle

04-12-2010 19:40:13 UTC


Clarinet: Idle

04-12-2010 20:23:22 UTC

The problem is, if the proposal “Loosen Up” is accepted, this proposal will have no effet, since the text it will try to change will not exist anymore.

And I think that if I want to personalize my uplifting or tormenting comment, I will just include the word “Uplift” of “Torment” in parenthesis.


Darknight: he/himIdle

04-12-2010 21:54:15 UTC


Alecto: Idle

05-12-2010 10:16:14 UTC


William: Idle

05-12-2010 11:11:49 UTC


Subrincinator: Idle

05-12-2010 19:23:28 UTC

As Brendan has posted a Meddling comment with an inflected form of the word “Uplift,” and his action has not been contested, I understand this proposal to be superfluous.  It’s already lost, but I’ll go ahead and self-kill anyhow.  against