Proposal: Propositions
Passes 6-3 / Skju
Adminned at 13 Jun 2013 19:35:08 UTC
Amend the rule “Truth” to read:
There is a wiki page called “Truths” which consists of two sections, Axioms and Theorems, each containing and ordered list of True Formulae. No Truths may contradict each other.
Any Atom can add an item to either list by submitting an entry in the “Proof” category that states the Formula to be added, which section to add it to, and, for a Theorem, a logical sequence of deductions that leads to it from existing Truths (unless the Atom already has 2 Proofs pending). Proofs are Votable Matters and as such are governed by the rule “Votable Mattersâ€. Proofs cannot be Vetoed. The oldest pending Proof may be enacted by any Admin if either of the following is true:
- It has been open for voting for at least 12 hours, has a number of FOR Votes that exceed or equal Quorum, and has not been Self-Killed.
- It has been open for voting for at least 24 hours, it has more than 1 valid Vote cast on it, it has more valid Votes cast on it FOR than AGAINST, and has not been Self-Killed.
Any pending Deliberation may be failed by any Admin, if any of the following are true:
- It could not be Enacted without either one of the Votes AGAINST it being changed, or the set of Atoms being changed.
- It has been open for voting for at least 48 hours and cannot be Enacted.
- It cannot be Enacted without causing a contradiction between Truths.
If a Proof somehow ends up being pending for more than 4 days, it is ignored for the purpose of calculating the oldest pending Proof, and can be failed by any Admin.
Each Theorem shall have next to it a link to the Proof that introduced it.
Enact a new rule entitled “Formulae”:
A Variable is a single lowercase letter. A Connective is a sequence of non-lowercase characters that is either unary (placed before a Formula) or binary (placed between two Formulae). A new Connective can be Defined by an Axiom that asserts the equality of a Formula that contains the Connective and a Formula that does not.
A Formula (plural Formulae) is either a single Variable or a sequence of Variables and properly-placed Connectives. Brackets (”[” and “]”) should be used around a Formula to disambiguate the order in which Connectives apply. A Formula is either True (1) or False (0).
Add the following Axioms to Truths:
- x = x
- [0 - 0] = 1
- [0 - 1] = 0
- [1 - 0] = 0
- [1 - 1] = 0
We’ve got quite a lot going on here. Splitting Truths into Axioms and Theorems, allowing them to be added through fully democratic Proofs, defining Formulae, and introducing equality and NOR.
RaichuKFM: she/her