Proposal: Rebalancing
Times out 3-5. -Ornithopter
Adminned at 18 Apr 2010 14:59:21 UTC
In the Task Mine, remove “and move into it”.
In the Job Mine, change “A Miner can Mine by spending 6 Energy instead of the usual 8” to “A Miner may move into the mined location after Mining at no Energy cost”.
In the Task Hunt, change “Any Colonist can perform this task” to “Any Colonist who is Outside can perform this task”.
Add a rule to the ruleset as a subrule to The Settlement, and name it “Regrowth”:
As a weekly action, the Expedition Leader may pick 6 random locations from the Settlement Map by means of DICE rolls. If any of these Locations are Outside, either Dirt or a Bush or Small Tree, and not occupied by any Colonist, they turn into Large Trees.
Mining is a bit too cheap on Energy at the moment.