Friday, February 10, 2006

Proposal: Rebellious susurrus

Failed. Timed out 4-8. Failed by smith.
Wagering results: Kevan wins 14 Booty; Smith wins 7 Booty.

Adminned at 12 Feb 2006 09:49:33 UTC

Add a new field to the GNDT called ‘Mutiny’. Give it two values: ‘Peaceful’ and ‘Mutineering’

Add a new rule, entitled Mutiny:

At any point, any Shirking Swashbuckler may set eir Mutiny status in the GNDT to ‘Mutineering.’ If e does so, e automatically moves to the location of the Mutineering Swashbuckler with the highest GPS, unless e is in Davy Jones Locker, British Gaol or the Bilge. If e has a higher GPS than all existing Mutineering Swashbucklers, then the other Mutineers must move to em, and e may not move until the Mutiny is gathered around em.

The Mutiny is always consided to be in the location with the highest concentration of GPS amongst its Mutineering Swashbucklers. The Mutiny may only move as a discrete collective. No member of the Mutiny may ever move to a location other than that to which the whole Mutiny is moving. If a Swashbuckler moves and the Mutiny does not follow, e must be moved back after 24 hours and any actions he undertook must be reversed. If the Mutiny moves and a Swashbuckler does not follow, after 24 hours have past e ceases to be a Mutineer and must have eir GNDT status changed back to ‘Peaceful’, unless the Captain is present, in which case he can send the failed Mutineer to the Bilge. If the Mutiny is ever in the Forecastle Deck area, then anyone in the Bilge is automatically freed.

If ever the Mutiny is in the same location as the Captain, the Captain is made to Walk the Plank - e is moved to Davy Jones’ Locker and ceases to be the Captain. At that point, the first person to make to to the Captain’s Quarters may attempt to gain control, adding 5 to eir GPS. If they can stay in the Captain’s Quarters for 24 hours without loosing a Duel, they may declare victory. If not, then all Swashbucklers must leave the Captain’s Quarters; as soon as it is empty, then any Swashbuckler may again attempt to gain control in the same manner, except the last Swashbuckler to who left the Captain’s Quarters (as no pirate would ever follow someone so sluggish).


Elias IX:

10-02-2006 13:04:05 UTC

Time to end the dynasty.



10-02-2006 14:54:28 UTC



10-02-2006 15:31:41 UTC

I feel like a little gambling so I’ll put 5 doubloons on this proposal failing—even though the captain is for it! Any takers?


10-02-2006 16:44:11 UTC

for Sure, why not. 6 doubloons say it’s going to pass. I wouldn’t put it past ye to bribe that scurvy land-lubber into self-killing it, but remember that you’d both pay dearly for it. I’ll shiver the timbers of both of you!


10-02-2006 17:04:29 UTC

against The muntiny should have to have GPS greater than that of the Captain + the other in his Square, otherwise a single Landlubber could go and plank the Capitain with ease.

Josh: he/they

10-02-2006 17:28:42 UTC

Yarr, that be his fault for allowing there to be someone stronger than him on his ship. He be the Captain, for pete’s sakes.

Purplebeard - I be shocked to hear ye impunin’ me sailors intergity. For that I should keel-haul yer and no mistake.


10-02-2006 21:05:26 UTC



10-02-2006 22:08:27 UTC

against Clash of the Mutiny proposals! Mine is much more sea-worthy, matey.


10-02-2006 22:53:24 UTC

I agree. against

Elias IX:

10-02-2006 23:31:52 UTC

Arrr, after that lack o’ activity o’er the past few days, I be tempted t’ end the dynasty, but now with this flurry o’ proposals, I withdraw my previous statement!

Long live the Inquisitor!



11-02-2006 00:27:10 UTC

for CoV. This one has it’s charms.


11-02-2006 00:34:17 UTC


Elias IX:

11-02-2006 00:38:51 UTC

Under this rule, Rodney, who has 0 GPS (sorry t’ hear that, by the way) could easily plank me even with my GPS o’ 12.

Kevan: he/him

11-02-2006 02:58:44 UTC


Kevan: he/him

11-02-2006 06:40:15 UTC

I wager 10 Booty that this proposal will fail.


11-02-2006 06:45:00 UTC


The Lone Amigo:

11-02-2006 10:20:47 UTC



11-02-2006 15:21:13 UTC


I like the other one more.