Sunday, July 02, 2006

Proposal: Reductio Decretum

Monk and Abbot have been changed to Traveller and Arbiter upon Ascension.  Remember, this prop was not open for voting during the 13 hour Hiatus.

Reached Quorum 8-0

Adminned at 04 Jul 2006 12:05:09 UTC

[ Fixing the veto loophole left open by Reductio Imperator, and rewording the Enactment rule into something more readably bullet-pointed while I’m here. ]

If Reductio Imperator failed, this proposal shall first make the exact changes that that proposal suggested.

Reword Rule 1.5 (Enactment) to:-

The oldest pending Proposal may be enacted by any Admin (and the Ruleset and/or Gamestate updated to include the specified effects of that Proposal) if either of the following is true:-

  • It has a number of FOR votes that exceed or equal Quorum, has been open for voting for at least 12 hours, and has not been vetoed.
  • It has been open for voting for at least 48 hours, more than half of its votes are FOR, and it has not been vetoed.

The oldest pending Proposal may be failed by any Admin, if any of the following are true:-

  • It has enough AGAINST votes that it could not be Enacted without one of those votes being changed.
  • It has been open for voting for at least 48 hours and half or fewer of its votes are FOR.
  • The Traveller who proposed it has voted AGAINST it.
  • The Arbiter has voted to VETO it.

Whenever an Admin marks a proposal as enacted or failed, e must also mark eir name, and report the final tally of votes (or the fact that the proposal was self-killed or vetoed).

Also, add “If a Traveller votes against eir own proposal, that vote may not be changed.” (which I’ve removed from this rule) to the second paragraph of Rule 1.4 (Voting).



02-07-2006 23:12:44 UTC



03-07-2006 08:24:13 UTC

for Blessings


03-07-2006 08:37:23 UTC



03-07-2006 16:56:38 UTC

against until it is clear that Bucky’s scam will fail.


04-07-2006 08:35:31 UTC

CoV for Keywords “Monk” and “Abbot” have been replaced in this Proposal.


04-07-2006 10:49:28 UTC


Angry Grasshopper:

04-07-2006 16:53:08 UTC

for Bandwagon.


04-07-2006 19:03:46 UTC
