Friday, August 28, 2015

Reference By Name 2

In the Appendix, in the section Keywords, add a Keyword “Name of a Prisoner” with the text

Name of a Prisoner is their current Blognomic account name

Add a Keyword “Name of an Idle Prisoner” with the text

Name of an Idle Prisoner is their current Blognomic account name

Add a Keyword “Name of a Gamestate Tracking Entity” with the text

A value of GNTD field is considered to be a Name of a Gamestate Tracking Entity only if this field is explicitly described in the Ruleset as such.

In the Appendix, in the section “Clarifications” in the rule “Names”, reword

Within the ruleset, a word only refers to the name of a Prisoner if it is explicitly stated that it refers to a Prisoner’s name.


Within the ruleset, a word only refers to the name of a Prisoner or to the Name of a Gamestate Tracking Entity if it is explicitly stated that it refers to such name.

A reproposal of the earlier one


Kevan: he/him

28-08-2015 21:14:17 UTC

This isn’t in the Proposal category and is over an hour old, so is too late to be made into one.

I’m pretty sure we’re going to forget to explicitly call things “Gamestate Tracking Entities”, given that we forgot how risky it was to have a “let players make game entities with any name they like” rule last dynasty.