Thursday, June 29, 2017

Proposal: Repercussions

Reaches quorum 7-1, although in enacting it I personally can do nothing. The GNDT is now incorrect at the time I write this, and Sphinx must fix it. Enacted by pokes.

Adminned at 02 Jul 2017 15:55:18 UTC

Each Explorer gains Insanity equal to twice the number of artefacts they are carrying.
Each Explorer gains Insanity equal to twice the number of artefacts they have destroyed.

Make those potatoes even hotter.



29-06-2017 18:09:54 UTC



29-06-2017 21:04:00 UTC


Kevan: he/him

29-06-2017 21:36:31 UTC

Can this be legally enacted? Sphinx is the only player with the necessary information to update the GNDT, but isn’t an admin.

(And even then, “The Expedition Leader cannot publicly or privately reveal the Backgrounds of any Explorer unless instructed to do so by a rule.” makes this hazy.)


29-06-2017 22:34:51 UTC


Kevan: he/him

29-06-2017 22:43:25 UTC



29-06-2017 23:26:17 UTC

I think it can be “enacted” insofar as the gamestate changes but its representation is incorrect, and Sphinx can correct it, maybe?


29-06-2017 23:37:44 UTC

“In the event that the Gamestate and the GNDT are different, any Explorer may correct the GNDT to comply with the Gamestate.”

I’m not sure about the background revealing. Maybe since it’s only revealed due to a proposal, it has a smaller scope?


29-06-2017 23:44:13 UTC

“unless instructed to do so by a rule.” + “In the event that the Gamestate and the GNDT are different, any Explorer may correct the GNDT to comply with the Gamestate.” does the trick imo.

Sphinx can’t normally reveal Backgrounds, but the updating rule grants instructions on how to update the GNDT, satisfying “unless instructed to do so by a rule.”.

So hazy or not, he can.


29-06-2017 23:55:35 UTC

That aside:

If someone suddenly gets 2 insanity by this, I don’t see how that is revealing that they’re Cultists or not. They could be a Artefact holder (cultist) or an Artfact Breaker (non-cultist).

So they could be a cultist or a non-cultist. That’s anyone.


30-06-2017 00:32:48 UTC

Or could have been given an artefact.


30-06-2017 00:46:01 UTC

(Also, I’m entirely aware that artefact-possession is currently heavily biased towards Cultists, but this insanity thing which would apparently reveal cultists can be currently outmaneuvered by cultists making deals with non-cultists, tossing artefacts away to some random dude or jumping fence with conspiracies.)

Kevan: he/him

30-06-2017 08:04:24 UTC

Ah, alright, that all seems like it should work.

About revealing information: I think if there’s any Location where every Explorer gains 2 Insanity, and if nobody has moved into or out of that Location since Artefacts came into existence, then every Explorer in that Location would be a proven Cultist. (And conversely, any such Location with no Insanity gain would prove that everyone there was a non-Cultist.)


30-06-2017 09:01:57 UTC

@Kevan: Card has moved through nearly every camp since the Artefact rule, and he could’ve shuffled Artefacts around as he did.

That aside, someone (even a Cultist, although preferably someone with a deal with them instead) can just move around. It would definitely be suspicious and make them be seen as a Cultist-sympathizer, but such a person could be a Cultist or a non-Cultist regardless of that, so it wouldn’t be revealing their background if that’s a concern. Just that they sympathized with their interests at that moment.

Or the Cultists can just choose to not arrange something like that. Up to them.


30-06-2017 09:33:13 UTC

(I’m maybe helping Cultists too much here lol)


01-07-2017 11:53:07 UTC


Publius Scribonius Scholasticus: he/they

01-07-2017 12:06:54 UTC



01-07-2017 20:56:39 UTC
