Monday, January 31, 2022

Proposal: Requesting Promotions

Quorum reached as I’m the only one on my team, and Zack voted for this. So passes 2-0—Clucky

Wait I misread the blog this was done too soon oops

All teams are currently None, and Teams are defined as “either Research & Development (AKA RnD or R&D), Manufacturing (AKA Mfg), or Sales”, meaning that no Employee “share[s] a Team with any Employee whose name is mentioned” in this proposal, including Clucky. The CEO is an employee for the purposes of this rule so their vote is also invalid as they also don’t share a Team with Clucky. Therefore with no votes possible against a quorum of 1, this can be failed. Josh

Adminned at 01 Feb 2022 09:07:05 UTC

Requesting Promotions for Clucky

I’ll be a good VP!


Josh: Imperator he/they

31-01-2022 16:32:05 UTC

Who knows what is going on at this firm, or which electorate I may or may not be a part of in the future;  against on principle

Snisbo: she/they

31-01-2022 17:24:33 UTC

against Because teams are kinda screwed up rn

Zack: he/him

31-01-2022 17:24:44 UTC

for My vote my only be symbolic but it’s still a vote

Clucky: he/him

31-01-2022 17:52:12 UTC

thanks Zack but your proposal passing has already kinda ruined this =/

Josh: Imperator he/they

31-01-2022 18:08:27 UTC

Yeah as it stands this can only fail, I think

Clucky: he/him

31-01-2022 18:20:59 UTC

why? it could still pass if enough people vote on it

Josh: Imperator he/they

31-01-2022 18:33:24 UTC

It can only be enacted based on information about Employees’ Teams (i.e. assessment of votes vs the modified quorum), so it can’t be enacted.

Clucky: he/him

31-01-2022 18:51:10 UTC

its impossible for teams to currently change though, as any change to teams would be a violation of the rules. So I think we’re safe there.

I’m also not actually sure if the rules have any clause that goes “If this requires information the enacting admin doesn’t have, it doesn’t get enacted”. I think such a clause would probably be good to include, I just don’t see it.

Brendan: he/him

31-01-2022 20:00:39 UTC


Raven1207: he/they

01-02-2022 03:42:42 UTC



01-02-2022 04:15:22 UTC

At the moment, I have no knowledge of what teams players are on. Zack doesn’t need to know your team to assign you a new team, so the orphan rule doesn’t apply, so he could have changed everyone’s team to anything by now, without anyone’s knowledge. I don’t think it’s possible to know whether it’s legal to enact OR fail this, unless, I suppose, it were withdrawn or all present votes became FOR. Even a Veto would be an invalid vote.


01-02-2022 04:23:32 UTC

I suppose the only fair way to handle this would be, as we resolve it, to take Zack at his word about what team everyone’s on.

Zack: he/him

01-02-2022 04:51:27 UTC

> Zack doesn’t need to know your team to assign you a new team, so the orphan rule doesn’t apply, so he could have changed everyone’s team to anything by now, without anyone’s knowledge.

I don’t know if this is true because, whether or not I’m an employee, I don’t think there’s any logical way for me to change the value of variables that aren’t tracked anywhere.

It stands to reason that, since “the historical fact of the occurrence of a defined game action is itself considered to be gamestate”, everyone’s current Team is the same as “the last valid value they had for their Department” because that’s what it says in Horizontal Integration, and it’s not possible for anyone to change it. In that case, Clucky, Ty, Raven, and Darknight’s votes on this proposal are all valid.


01-02-2022 05:07:04 UTC

“or in the wiki page Gamestate Modifications if this is not possible.”

I feel like I missed the addition of this paragraph, while idle. Then is Gamestate Modifications where you would have to record the fact of your changing our Teams? And since it’s not there, we know it hasn’t happened?


01-02-2022 05:13:12 UTC

In theory, I don’t see any reason why we couldn’t change an orphan variable, so long as doing so isn’t “contingent on the specific value” of that variable. But I guess now you would have to record that you did so, in Gamestate Modifications? (I’m just trying to clarify what that paragraph is all about.)


01-02-2022 05:39:28 UTC
