Monday, September 17, 2012

Proposal: Rewards for Stolen Ideas

Fails 2-6. — Quirck

Adminned at 20 Sep 2012 01:44:30 UTC

Enact a new rule entitled “[COR] Corrections” with the following text:

A Proposal is a Correction if it satisfies the following (possibly in the flavour text):

  • It contains a Citation to another Proposal (the Original).
  • The Original was authored by a different Student.
  • The Original was Pending when the Correction was submitted.
  • It explicitly indicates that it is a Correction of the Original.
  • It contains an explanation of one or more errors in the Original.

Students should not vote FOR a Correction unless it proposes substantially the same changes as the Original and it fixes the errors described.

A Student may make a Story Post containing Citations to an enacted Correction they wrote and that Correction’s failed Original, and claiming to Score by COR.  If a Student does so, they Score.

As an example:

This is a correction to the cited proposal

Correcting the earlier version by removing the ability to correct your own self-killed proposal and also making the correction’s author responsible for scoring for consistency with VPP.



17-09-2012 23:59:30 UTC

This doesn’t solve your own comment to my version, and requiring the post is inconsistent with IFI (or whatever that one is) for

Clucky: he/him

18-09-2012 00:29:32 UTC

A proposes, B makes correction, A self kills, B scores. Then they repeat the other way. So seems too abuseable. Also will encourage people to vote against a proposal just so their correction is the only one that passes. against


18-09-2012 00:37:17 UTC

It’s only one Project, and if people suspect this is happening, they can just vote against everything.

Josh: he/they

18-09-2012 06:33:49 UTC

against in favour of the alternative.

Kevan: he/him

18-09-2012 10:54:46 UTC

against Per Josh.

quirck: he/him

18-09-2012 13:31:10 UTC



19-09-2012 19:13:32 UTC



20-09-2012 00:56:45 UTC
