Ripple in time
while enjoying myself with a nice walk in the field, i saw a young man playing with a prism. he stared at me and asked “are you a demon?”, and when i started to reply, he aimed at me his prism rainbow. i smiled and than my time device started to alarm “TIME RIPPLE! TIME RIPPLE!”. a mighty wind came and struck me to the ground, i looked aside me and saw the young man wearing pre-historic clothes, and mumbling to himself. “i know it,i can do it, i have big idea, i just need more wrds, need wrds to say idea”. he look at me, and say “are you dimn?”. the time dvce made big nise agin “TIME RPLE! TIME RPLE!”. another mighty wind came, and everything went back to normal. “no, i am not a demon. nice prism by the way.” i said. he stared at me again with a strange look in his eyes, “the spectrum of colours observed when white light passes through a prism is inherent in the white light and not added by the prism”.
Sir Isaac Newton joins me in my time travels.
node change:
1666/6/11 Aran experience a strange ripple in time. e meets Sir Isaac Newton, whom decides to join em in eir time travelles. [Aran] [Disaster] [math]
clarifactions: 1)this occurs from the posibility of e.ix’s proposal (since there is no real time travelling, i can’t know if the proposal will pass or fail :)
2)i hope my english mistakes are not too bad in this post (and node event)