Proposal: rolling along
reached quorum 4-0
Adminned at 04 Oct 2017 03:26:55 UTC
repeal “Making Sentences” and “Sentence Effects” and replace any sentences with their nouns.
change “which defaults to 0, and is an integer between 0 and 14. As a weekly action, a Prince can gain up to 14 Stamina.” to
“which defaults to 0, and is an integer between 0 and 20. As a weekly action, a Prince can gain up to 20 Stamina.”
Add a new rule “Sisyphus” with the text
If the current location has a noun that indicates that it is big and sloped, such as a mountain, hill, etc, any Prince may move the Katamari to any wikipage with less characters than the title of the current location.
fixed some spelling errors
derrick: he/him