Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Proposal: Roses Are [REDACTED]

Reached quorum 4 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 15 Jan 2020 17:17:07 UTC

Enact a new rule, “Redaction”:-

Certain aspects of the Institute’s research are classified, and blotted out of their written records. While a sentence in the Protocol or Effect of an Artefact contains the string “[REDACTED]”, that sentence is considered to be a blank string with no effect for all purposes except those outlined in this rule.

At any time, the Director may decide (and privately record) the Secret of any “[REDACTED]” string which appears in the Protocol or Effect of an Artefact: that Secret may be any single word or number that appears in the dynastic ruleset, such that the sentence would make grammatical sense if the “[REDACTED]” string were replaced with it. Upon determining such a Secret, the Director should select a secretly random Researcher and inform them of the Secret, and the string that it corresponds to.

At the request of the Individual who was told its Secret, the Director may replace the string “[REDACTED]” in the Protocol or Effect of an Artefact with its Secret.

Proposing a redaction system, which was discussed before. This would allow an Artefact to be created with unknown aspects (eg. an Effect of “inflict 2 [REDACTED] Damage and [REDACTED] Flesh Damage” or a Protocol of “never take to [REDACTED] or place in the same Location as the [REDACTED]”) which the Director would track and reveal at a significant moment. While the text was redacted, players would not be expected to obey the protocol or perform the action, but they could still try to obtain or avoid the artefact.

Thematically, the randomly-selected Researcher is the one who was studying the Artefact or investigating its history (who may or may not be the same person as its proposer), and who knows how it works. If an Artefact has multiple redactions, the knowledge may be split. It’s up to the Researchers whether they share this information with others, and when they ask the Director to unredact it.


Josh: Mastermind he/they

14-01-2020 16:51:40 UTC


Brendan: he/him

14-01-2020 23:26:36 UTC



15-01-2020 12:35:32 UTC
