Thursday, February 24, 2022

Proposal: Roughly One Hundred BlogNomics

Enacted with quorum, 7-0. Josh

Adminned at 25 Feb 2022 10:35:07 UTC

Add a new dynastic rule to the ruleset, called Parallel BlogNomic:

Each Dynasty of BlogNomic numbered between 101 (“The Third Machine of scshunt”) and 199 (“The Second Dynasty of Jumble”) - referred to as the Prime Dynasties - may have up to one parallel dynasty. These are publicly tracked. Each dynasty of BlogNomic numbered between 1 and 100 is referred to as a Locked Dynasty.

Each parallel universe dynasty must have a number (which is the same as the number of the Prime Dynasty it is associated with), an ordinal (a non-negative ordinal integer defaulting to First), an Emperor, and a theme, which is flavour text.

The Paralleliser is a tool used by Maestro Team Members to divine the properties of parallel dynasties; it can be found here: Theme and Emperor paste-data can be found on the following page: [[Dynasty data]]. As a weekly action, a Maestro Team Member may learn of a parallel universe dynasty, which is an atomic action with the following steps:

* Select the numerically first Prime Dynasty with no existing parallel dynasties; set the number of the parallel dynasty being discovered to the number of that Prime Dynasty.
* Open the Paralleliser. Set the Model to GPT-NeoX, the top-k to 400, the top-p to 0.9, the temperature to 1.0 and the max tokens to 200, leaving the ‘stop at’ field blank. Paste the Emperors (101-199) list from the [[Dynasty Data]] page into the text box and hit ‘Generate’.
* Randomly select one of the generated names (ignoring the text in bold, which simply replicates your initial input, and the last line of its output). Set that name to be the Emperor of the parallel dynasty being discovered.
* Set the ordinal for the discovered parallel dynasty as follows: if the name in the Emperor field for this parallel dynasty has appeared before, either in another preceding parallel dynasty or in a Locked Dynasty, then the ordinal for this dynasty is one higher than it was in the most recent such other dynasty in which that name appears as Emperor (e.g. if the name for a new parallel dynasty is Dibjutor, and there is a pre-existing dynasty with an ordinal of third, then the new dynasty will have an ordinal of fourth); otherwise it is the default.
* In the Paralleliser (using the same settings as in step 2), paste the Themes (101-199) list from the [[Dynasty Data]] page into the text box and hit ‘Generate’. Randomly select one of the generated themes (ignoring the text in bold, which simply replicates your initial input, and the last line of its output). Set that theme to be the theme of the parallel dynasty being discovered.


Clucky: Puzzle Master he/him

24-02-2022 17:30:52 UTC

>  Paste the names of the emperors of Prime Dynasties 101-199 into the text box and hit ‘Generate’.

Thing this bit is a little unclear. Is it a list of everyone who has been an emperor during one of the last 100 dynasties (and so duplicates are ignored)? Or is it a list of 100 entries, in which case how are meta dynasties or 156 treated?

> paste the themes of Prime Dynasties 101-199 into the text box and hit ‘Generate’.

is “theme” clearly defined? Do we need to temporarily make gamestate in order to ensure that no one can change an old dynasties theme?

Josh: he/they

24-02-2022 17:31:54 UTC

Mm, so I actually put the paste-lists up on the wiki - I guess I should just refer to that directly…

Kevan: he/him

24-02-2022 17:46:31 UTC

I unidle, quorum remains 6.

Looks like the Paralleliser sometimes stops mid-sentence (even mid-word?), cutting out before “...Dynasty” on some runs, so it might be worth ignoring the final row of all its output.

Josh: he/they

24-02-2022 17:56:37 UTC

Updated, thanks

Kevan: he/him

24-02-2022 17:57:37 UTC

“if the name in the Emperor field for this parallel dynasty has appeared before, either in another preceding parallel dynasty or in a Locked Dynasty, then the ordinal for this dynasty is one higher than it was in the most recent other dynasty in which that name appears as Emperor” - should this be most recent such dynasty so as to skip the non-Locked ones?

Question being that if I roll Josh, does that give me the 18th Dynasty of Josh or a parallel 7th Dynasty of Josh?

Josh: he/they

24-02-2022 18:01:15 UTC

Parallel 7th, I guess, with that change - as Josh 17 is itself neither parallel, nor locked, nor Prime

Kevan: he/him

24-02-2022 18:04:19 UTC

“any incomplete entries at the end of the generation” - ah, but how can we truly know if an entry is incomplete, Time Buddha?

(I’ve just had a test roll end with “The Black Forest Adventurer’s League / The Game Master’s Citadel Dynasty / The Game Master’s Tower Dynasty / The Game Master’s Castle”, where either reading seems plausible.)

Josh: he/they

24-02-2022 18:13:03 UTC

Space Maestro, please.

Have set it to be the last line of the output, as per your original suggestion.

Clucky: Puzzle Master he/him

24-02-2022 18:32:54 UTC

Occurs to me that randomly selecting one of the ~50 new options that get generated will be a pain. why not just take the first one?

Clucky: Puzzle Master he/him

24-02-2022 18:33:19 UTC

also like the idea of making members that appear in spots 2-10 players in the dynasty

Josh: he/they

24-02-2022 18:39:11 UTC

@Clucky The first one often seems to be an existing player rather than a newly generated name.

I think the formula will need tweaking - this way will result in new generated parallel players rarely coming up twice, if ever - but I just want to get something in the ruleset, we can figure out specifics as we go.

Clucky: Puzzle Master he/him

24-02-2022 21:33:59 UTC


Brendan: he/him

24-02-2022 21:47:01 UTC



24-02-2022 21:47:01 UTC


Kevan: he/him

24-02-2022 21:51:18 UTC



24-02-2022 22:05:46 UTC


Lulu: she/her

25-02-2022 00:35:56 UTC
