Tuesday, June 08, 2021

Round 14

There is no theme for this round, as it is not less than or equal to Round 12

These are the round scores for the previous round:

Josh (BOTC and The Simulation Hypothesis Dynasty) - 22
Kevan (Heavy Meta, Loot Box and Too Soon?) - 20
pokes (At the end of Expression Engine, Blognomic: Mafia and Round One (Again)) -10
Raven1207 (In Beta Phase) - 9
Jason (It’s bound to happen eventually…) - 4
lemonfanta (The Tower) - 3

(still gotta do this for some reason) The expiration date for Round 14 is Thursday, June 10th at 15:00 UTC

With a total of 35 Kudos, Josh is the Star Broker


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