Proposal: Round and Round
Reached quorum, 6-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.
Adminned at 07 Feb 2025 17:52:56 UTC
Add a new rule named “Turns and Rounds” with the following text:
There is a publicly tracked Turn Order which is a comma-separated list of Meeples, defaulting to an empty list, and a publicly tracked number named Rounds, defaulting to 0.
The Meeple whose name is at the beginning of the Turn Order, if it is not empty, is considered the Current Meeple. While that Meeple is the Current Meeple, they are said to be Taking a Turn.
Whenever the Turn Order is empty, any Meeple may perform Generate Turns, which is an atomic action with the following steps:
* In the Dice Roller, make a single comment with the name of every active Meeple, in any order chosen by the Meeple performing this atomic action, along with a DICE1000 roll next to each name. This comment is known as the Turn List for this instance.
* Restart the steps of this atomic action if there are any duplicate numbers in the roll results for the preceding step.
* Sort the names in the Turn List for this instance in ascending order by roll result associated with that name.
* Add the sorted names from the Turn List for this instance to the Turn Order according to the order determined in the preceding step.
* Add 1 to the Rounds.Ending a Turn is an action that applies to the Current Meeple, in which that Meeple’s name is removed from the beginning of the Turn Order, at which point that Meeple is no longer considered the Current Meeple.
An alternate way to sort a list of Meeples without having to roll a set of names a bunch of times, because that method is a pain.
Also note that a Meeple who is unidled is not immediately added to the Turn Order. This is intentional for now.
Raven1207: he/they
So basically, “rolling for initiative”