Route ideas:
because more routes can’t hurt. Also we need some high powered routes if this game is ever gonna end
A Bridge Route has a Scouting Cost of 15. When a Driver Drives a Bridge route, all scouting costs for that driver are reduced by one until the Driver next requests assignment. Scouting costs may not be made lower than 1 in this manner.
A Lookout Route has a Scouting Cost of 8. When a Driver Drives a lookout route they mark it as blocked. Then activate the next three non-blocked routes in their pool. They then pick one of those three routes (provided one exists) and drive it, pick a second of the three routes (provided a second exists) and ignore it, and remove the third one (provided a third exists) from their pool (in that order).
A Lotto Route has a Scouting Cost of 10. When a Driver Drives a lotto route they must roll a DICE10. If the result is a 10, they earn 10 cash and remove the lotto route from their pool.
I like the Bridge and Lotto Routes, but I think their costs are wrong:
I usually get Cash to Scout for one or two Routes in one assignment, so the Bridge Route would be only slightly better than a Suburban Route. I understand it could get more powerful combined with other high-reward Routes (possibly other Bridge Routes) but still, the reduction is not likely to get very high, except of course if the Driver wants to use it to Scout for a lot of cheap Routes - but most of the cheap Routes are worse than no Route at all (for instance you could use it to buy ten Downtown Routes for only 5 Cash, but who wants ten Downtown Routes in their pool?)
The Lotto Route basically lets a Driver transfer 10 Cash through Assignment, meanwhile spoiling their pool with one useless Route. I think there should at least be some Cash lost in the operation.
As for the Lookout Route, it should at least be reworded, cause the description is a little weird. The meaning of “pick and ignore” is not clear at all. Do you put it at the end of your list? Or let it where it is, ready to be Driven?
If I understand it correctly, this basically Activate two Routes and Scrub a third. Which is highly overpowered.