Saturday, February 27, 2021

Story Post: Rumour #5

When the machinations of the court grow tiresome, it is common for a great Noble of Venice to retreat. But what if this is infeasible - what if your estates are in the mainland, or on in Dalmatia, or on some far-flung Ionian island? Well, for that exigency you have your pied a terre, of course - a respite, a solace, a seclusion, a place where your spouse may have no knowledge of what goes on.

But what if such a sanctum gets defiled? Today I receive word that one Noble recently returned to his lodgings to find it tampered with. The intruder was clearly a gentleman, having erased almost all trace of his crime, with one exception - a letter, written but unsent by my correspondent, which had been opened and left, tauntingly, on the bureau. Its contents? I cannot speculate, but I can tell you that it was addressed as follows: “THIS RUMOUR IS DIRECTED TOWARDS CUDDLEBEAM”.

More on this plot as it develops.

Lady Pettegola



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