Monday, March 27, 2017

Proposal: Satisfying, not Satistied

5 to 2 after 48 hours. Failed by Derrick

Adminned at 29 Mar 2017 15:38:41 UTC

In the rule anatomy change:

Egg Sack: An egg sack may spend one of each nutrient listed in Nutrients to lay an egg cluster in the cell the creature is in, if that cell contains no neighbors that are not seaweed and the organ’s creature’s satisfaction level is Fulfilled. Its state is unfertilized, it has no fathers yet, its cell is the current cell, and its mother is the organ that laid it. Laying an egg cluster fulfills Procreation Drive.


Egg Sack: An egg sack may spend one of each nutrient listed in Nutrients to lay an egg cluster in the cell the creature is in, if that cell contains no neighbors that are not seaweed, and either the organ’s creature’s satisfaction level is Fullfilled, or its procreation drive is higher than or equal to all other moods. Its state is unfertilized, it has no fathers yet, its cell is the current cell, and its mother is the organ that laid it. Laying an egg cluster fulfills Procreation Drive.

and change:

Dart Sack: An organ in this state may, as a daily action, consume one nutrient to fertilize an egg cluster in the state of “unfertilized” that is in the same location as that organ’s creature if the organ’s creature’s satisfaction level is Fulfilled. No organ may fertilize an egg cluster of which it is the mother. When an organ fertilizes an egg cluster, that organ’s name is added as a father to that egg cluster. Fertilizing an egg cluster fulfills Procreation Drive.


Dart Sack: An organ in this state may, as a daily action, consume one nutrient to fertilize an egg cluster in the state of “unfertilized” that is in the same location as that organ’s creature if either the organ’s creature’s satisfaction level is Fullfilled, or its procreation drive is higher than or equal to all other of the creatures’ moods . No organ may fertilize an egg cluster of which it is the mother. When an organ fertilizes an egg cluster, that organ’s name is added as a father to that egg cluster. Fertilizing an egg cluster fulfills Procreation Drive.


really, the existing rule is quite tricky.


Oracular rufio:

27-03-2017 19:26:27 UTC

I sort of intended it to be tricky.  You might have to become a gland again if you raised procreation drive prematurely.  Also, if your proposal passes well have a way to lower it.

arthexis: he/him

27-03-2017 21:15:12 UTC



27-03-2017 22:19:24 UTC

for Also thanks for the heads-up, I didn’t see the bolded part and my last fertilization of egg 2 was illegal, I’ll roll it back


27-03-2017 22:21:23 UTC

Actually, I’ll just do it now…


27-03-2017 22:28:55 UTC

Double actually: not having done that invalidates your own recent fertilization. We can avoid a CfJ with the following solution: if we roll back those actions, we’ll be at Procreation 2, Satisfaction 3; if I instead of changing into a dart sack, had instead changed into a Choanocyte and gave egg 3 Blonium, then we’d be at Pro 1, Sat 4; then if you instead of giving it Blonium had given it Gonium, we’d be at Pro 0, Sat 5 as we are now.  The state changes would be: giving you a blonium back and taking a gonium from you, egg 2 loses my fertilization, egg 3 becomes “Needs Nonium”.  If you’re down, I’m down.


27-03-2017 22:31:59 UTC

Triple actually: you didn’t fertilize, just nourished. So nothing went wrong except what I did. Rolling back as previously planned…

Oracular rufio:

28-03-2017 01:47:49 UTC

Well, I think all this procreation business should be kind of difficult and require some planning.



28-03-2017 11:36:39 UTC



29-03-2017 08:06:57 UTC



29-03-2017 14:17:55 UTC
