Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Proposal: Say hello to my little friend

reached quorum, failed 1-11, failed by aaronwinborn

Adminned at 31 Oct 2007 10:34:55 UTC

Part A—

Proposed new dynastic rule: “Weapons”, as follows:

Any living Villager (other than one who has a Religious occupation) who has in his Inventory at least one Gun and at least one Silver Bullet (such Villager, a “Gunman”) may, as a weekly action, kill any other living Villager (the “Victim”) as follows: the Gunman makes a story post announcing that he has shot the Victim, and edits the GNDT to reduce the number of Silver Bullets in his (the Gunman’s) possession by one.  Thereafter (subject to any intervening action that causes the Victim to become Dead sooner), the Victim becomes Dead upon the earlier to occur of (A) the Mayor making a story post acknowledging that the Victim has died, or (B) 48 hours pass since the Gunman made his story post.  However, even if the Gunman announts that he has shot the Victim, the Victim will not thereby die if (A) at the time the Gunman posted the story post, the Victim was the Doctor’s “target” within the meaning of the “Doctor” subrule (in which case either the Doctor or the Mayor will announce that the Victim had been the Doctor’s “target” ; or (B) before the Target dies by operation of the previous sentence, the Doctor makes a story post announcing that the Doctor has treated the Victim.  If the Victim is shot but does not die, the Victim gains one Silver Bullet in his Inventory.

Part B—

Add to the rule “Items” a new subrule: “Mayor’s Items”, as follows:

All items in the Mayor’s inventory belong to the Zahndorf government. A duly adopted Town Meeting proposal may cause any item in the Mayor’s inventory to be transferred to such Villager as the Town Meeting proposal directs.

Part C—

Transfer all of Amnistar’s Silver Bullets, Amnistar’s Gun, and all of Spikebrennan’s Silver Bullets in existence at the time of adoption of this Proposal, to the Mayor.




30-10-2007 02:31:48 UTC

against Deadly, yes, but there are more weapons than the gun now.  With the fact that that gives nearly unlimited power to someone with a gun and bullets, it seems overpowered.  Plus, there was the Bucky controversy.  Oh right, and the gunsmith is dead.


30-10-2007 02:32:25 UTC

Though Amnistar’s stuff should be given away.


30-10-2007 03:14:22 UTC



30-10-2007 03:27:37 UTC

Why have a gun if nobody can do anything with it?  I don’t think this proposal is overpowered—there are all kinds of ways the “Victim” can avoid dying even if he is shot—the proposal is deliberately drafted so that the Gunman can’t cause instantaneous death.


30-10-2007 03:37:08 UTC



30-10-2007 03:37:28 UTC

Just trying to make more ways for people to die?

Werewolves tearing up bodies and hanging innocent victims isn’t enough for ya?

Why… do you have a bloodlust? Does the desire to kill flow through your veins?


30-10-2007 03:37:47 UTC

oh, and against

Oracular rufio:

30-10-2007 05:03:38 UTC

I like parts B and C, but I don’t think the silver bullets should be able to kill human villagers - they should be used somehow to defend against actual werewolf attacks.


30-10-2007 08:27:09 UTC


Kevan: he/him

30-10-2007 09:53:08 UTC

against I like the idea of guns being genuinely dangerous, but the system needs streamlining, rather than being a race to see whether the doctor or mayor notices the post first. Maybe an email to the Mayor, with the shooting announced anonymously (although if only one person has a gun, it’ll be easy enough to work out who did it).

Using nothing but silver bullets seems a bit wrong, as well; there should be an option to use (infinitely available) normal bullets, if you’re sure you’re just murdering a human.


30-10-2007 13:22:27 UTC


Brendan: he/him

30-10-2007 17:54:37 UTC


Darknight: he/him

30-10-2007 23:03:01 UTC



31-10-2007 17:24:45 UTC
