Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Proposal: SCH Where is my schedule?!?

Self-killed. — Quirck

Adminned at 20 Sep 2012 01:51:26 UTC

Enact a new rule called “SCH Schedule” with the following text:

Each Student has a Schedule, tracked in the GNDT in a column called SCH.  A Schedule consists of 5 Classes.  The first Class shall be performed on Monday, the second Class shall be performed on Tuesday, the third Class shall be performed on Wednesday, the fourth Class shall be performed on Thursday, and the fifth Class shall be performed on Friday.  The Schedule shall be stored in the GNDT as a list of the 5 classes, with commas in between.  If there is no Class during a day, there shall still be a space and comma to designate that there is no class during that day.  A Class’ name may not have a comma in it.  A Schedule can only have classes.
A Schedule can only be created, deleted, or modified during Open Registration or Super-Secret Registration.  A Schedule cannot be created at any other time.
Open Registration occurs every 4 weeks starting at 12:00 AM on the Monday immediately following the enactment of this proposal.  It lasts for exactly 1 week, ending on the immediately following Sunday, at 11:59 PM.  Open Registration occurs at no other time.
Super-Secret Registration occurs on a individual basis.  A Student, upon becoming a Student, gains access to Super-Secret Registration.  It lasts for exactly 1 week (or 604800 seconds), starting the moment he becomes a student.  Super-Secret Registration may occur at other times, but only as dictated by other rules.
During both Registrations, a Student may create, delete, or change his Schedule by accessing the GNDT, using the storage method listed above.  For each day he may choose 1 Class out of the Class List, storing it on the day of his choosing.
The Class List is a list of Classes that are available to all players, except for Classes that have explicitly dictated that they are not available to all players.  When a Class is created, it is simultaneously added to the Class List.  When a Class is deleted, it is simultaneously removed from the Class List.
Each Class may only be Created, as additional rules dictate.  A Class can have at most 3 Tasks, and at least 1 Task.  Each Task may also have a Punishment.
A Student can only perform his Class during the day listed in the GNDT.  If a Student does not perform his Task during the day his Class is performed, the Punishment, if it exists, occurs.

This provides a framework for many rules.  I will be writing up another rule that will dictate the way (at least one of them) for the creation/deletion of Classes.  (Thinking there could be a student with a specific color of pen that can do this)
I was also thinking that Classes could be a way to dictate how/when Proposals.
Would the Class List need to be stored in the GNDT?  If so, how do I make it universal.
I’m hoping that this is watertight, but considering this is my first rule, Its a pretty weak hope.  Comments appreciated.



19-09-2012 02:50:49 UTC

against Unfortunately, initialization seems to be broken in this version. There is no default specified, and with an empty class list, and “A Schedule consists of 5 Classes” doesn’t allow choosing no class for a day despite the notation existing.

Josh: he/they

19-09-2012 06:49:13 UTC

for I think that the fact that notation exists for “no class”, and the fact that the rule allows for new Students to immediately pick classes, makes it implicit that class lists start empty. Even if not, it’s fairly trivial to fix.

Kevan: he/him

19-09-2012 08:23:42 UTC

against But it creates an illegal gamestate if we have both “The Schedule shall be stored in the GNDT as a list of the 5 classes, with commas in between.” and (from the glossary) everyone’s Schedule being an empty string with no commas. The ruleset has (I think) no way of resolving that contradiction, or telling us how to play on with a contradiction present.

I’d note that “every 4 weeks” is actually quite long for a BlogNomic round - the last time we crunched the numbers, the average dynasty was a little over a month in duration.

Josh: he/they

19-09-2012 09:08:51 UTC

Good point. CoV against

quirck: he/him

19-09-2012 14:24:01 UTC



19-09-2012 18:25:04 UTC

Self killing to revise