Proposal: Scroll Up
Passes 7-0. Enacted by Brendan.
Adminned at 14 Jan 2022 22:10:25 UTC
Add a subrule to “The Campfire at the End of Hell” called “Scrolls”:-
In a shattered phone booth just at the edge of the fire’s light, the wanderers find a cache of ancient and rune-laden scriptures suggesting a path back to the world above, or on to others.
Each Tripper has a Scroll, being a flavour text string of no more than 160 characters which is publicly tracked, and which describes their vision for the next dynasty of BlogNomic. A Tripper may change the contents of their own Scroll at any time.
In “The Campfire at the End of Hell”, replace “All other dynastic rules are flavour text.” with “All other dynastic rules (excluding subrules of this rule) are flavour text.”
Dynastic ideas have come up a couple of times now as a possible factor for where Coins might go, so perhaps it’s worth formalising.
Josh: he/they
This would immediately become flavour text, thanks to the Campfire rule.