Proposal: Security
Reached quorum, 8-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.
Adminned at 16 Jan 2025 06:03:23 UTC
Enact a new rule, called The Vault {I}, with the following text:
Dynastic Rules are either Immutable or Mutable, signified by either an {I} or an {M} in their title.
Mutable rules may not permit or confer Victory upon a Participant; any Mutable rule that makes a statement that directly awards Victory to a Participant instead does not, and may be repealed by any Participant.
Mutable rules may not permit the direct amendment or modification of the Dynastic gamestate through any means other than the definition of Heist Actions.
An Immutable rule may not be amended through the application of a Heist Action.
Where a Mutable rule and an Immutable rule contradict one another, the Immutable rule takes precedence.
Enact a new Building Block, called Dynastic Safeguard, with the following text:
No dynastic action in this dynasty may alter any non-dynastic rule in any way. Any dynastic action that would directly amend the text of this rule is illegal and may not be undertaken. This rule must be repealed upon Ascension.
For any Dynastic Rules with the titles Coregency, Teams and Targets, and Timing, add an {I} to the end of its title.
Amend the text of the Glossary entry in the Appendix rule ‘Keywords’ for Dynastic Action to read: “An action that is defined only in the Dynastic rules”
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