Monday, July 24, 2017

Declaration of Victory: Seraphim wins her own Dynasty

Other DoV passed. Failed by card.

Adminned at 26 Jul 2017 16:01:16 UTC

I’m a Diety, I’ve won. Check the Combo.

Emperors can declare victory in their own Dynasties apparently, after that massive revision. A chance like this is going to go to the first to use it.


Thunder: he/himIdle

24-07-2017 22:31:03 UTC

I’ve helped you win 2/2 times now. for

Madrid: Idle

24-07-2017 22:40:07 UTC

“and either a quorum of Seraphims has Voted FOR”

Explicit for in case I need to actually vote for this.

pokes: Idle

24-07-2017 23:11:25 UTC

against Since mine was posted first.

pokes: Idle

24-07-2017 23:13:03 UTC

More specifically, once mine was posted, the game was in Hiatus, and so posting the combo did nothing.

card: Idle

24-07-2017 23:17:16 UTC

against just against the principles of having the Emperor win their own dynasty.

Madrid: Idle

24-07-2017 23:22:37 UTC

Posting it here too because it’s important: Software doesn’t record it but yes, pokes appeared on the blog sooner, although the only evidence for this are mine and poke’s testimony about it (I dont know if Thunder saw it too). Although I got the timestamp, because I started earlier.

card: Idle

24-07-2017 23:29:34 UTC

Wouldn’t that constitute a violation of the fair play rule, a la
” A Pactmaker should not deliberately exploit bugs or unexpected behaviours in the software running the game (ExpressionEngine, MediaWiki or the GNDT).”

Madrid: Idle

25-07-2017 04:45:11 UTC

I don’t refresh constantly to see if someone has posted before me while I’m typing a post.

Most I can do is say when I see the bug happen is just say that I saw it happen.

Kevan: he/himIdle

25-07-2017 07:56:37 UTC

Helpfully the BlogNomic Twitter feed backs up the posting order, broadcasting Pokes’ Ascension before Cuddlebeam’s. (It gives a ten minute gap between them, but was perhaps only checking the blog every ten minutes. But this does confirm that it was possible at one point in time to look at the blog and see only Pokes’ DoV, at which point the game would have automatically been in Hiatus.)

Thunder: he/himIdle

25-07-2017 16:13:35 UTC

Can confirm bug.

Thunder: he/himIdle

25-07-2017 16:13:52 UTC

I mean against