Proposal: Shadow Actions
Self-killed -Darth
Adminned at 18 Jan 2010 11:00:17 UTC
Add a new rule called “Shadow Actions” to the ruleset, with the following text:
Some Guests have shadow actions. These actions can be taken by the Guests by contacting the Executor and informing him of the action to do.
Unless otherwise noted, these actions can only be done if the Guest is non-Dormant, the lights are off and he is in the room he wants to do the action in. These actions don’t change anything in the GNDT, but are their effects are tracked by the Executor.
Such Shadow Actions are:
If most of the EVC’s to this proposal contain the phrase “Hide and seek”, add the following to the list of Shadow Actions:
Guests may move to any other room on their floor.
Phrase “Darkness kills” in most EVC’s -> add:
Any Servant or Tradesman may, as a daily action, go up or down a floor in the direction of a Generator Switch.
Phrase “Just as planned, detective edition” in most EVC’s -> add:
As a weekly action, the Detective may set up a trap in a room. If the murderer tries to kill in that room and the light wasn’t switched on since the trap was set, he is restrained.
Phrase “Just as planned, murderer edition” in most EVC’s, but not “Daily catch problems” in most EVC’s -> add:
As a weekly action, the Murderer may set up a trap in a room. If any Guest enters that room and the light wasn’t switched on since the trap was set, the enterer is restrained.
Phrase “Daily catch problems” in most EVC’s -> add the same as above but with ‘weekly’ replaced with ‘daily’.
Wasn’t really confident, so only added things in EVC clauses.
I didn’t include killings, as we don’t have a weapons system yet, but it seems like we will (and I’m also afraid to die ;P)
The trap mechanisms could be elaborated on later, also we could add an ‘...if he has a trap…’ clause.
On an unrelated note I believe the rule of not repeating oneself should be in action in the ruleset… anyone else want a rule that states that “unless otherwise noted, doing any actions defined in the dynasty rules requires the following: being non-dormant(, etc.)”?
Also, we could re-organize the non-Shadow actions as “Light Actions” or some other name to categorize them.
Edited it five seconds after adding to add a missing sentence, really hoping no one saw it during that time, sorry.
Next time I should triple-check it instead of double…