Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Call for Judgment: Sheep: singular or plural?

No effect on ruleset or gamestate -Darth

Adminned at 12 Apr 2011 12:56:21 UTC

I know the wording is part of the theme, but I think we need one word for a singular Sheep, and a different word for plural ‘Sheeps’.

For example, if the proposal “a sheep may transfer any positive quantity of Baabucks to any other sheep” becomes a rule, someone will inevitably try to transfer their baabucks to 2 sheep at once, possibly even duplicating the baabucks in the process.



12-04-2011 19:40:30 UTC

Invalid CFJ, doesn’t actually suggest a change.

I agree that this potentially needs attention (although note that “transfer” is defined in the glossary), but a CFJ needs to actually list what should be done.


12-04-2011 19:46:16 UTC

The suggestion is that the ruleset should be changed to reflect that Sheep is singular and the plural is Sheeps.

Do I need to list each line that needs to be changed for this? That would get rather tedious.

Josh: he/they

12-04-2011 19:49:01 UTC

You need to describe an actual action, yes. It doesn’t need to be line-by-line but something in the format of “If this CfJ passes, change all examples of Sheep as a plural to Sheeps and add the following as a dynastic rule…” is necessary.

Otherwise all we’re doing is voting on an aspiration.