Monday, February 20, 2006

Shivering your timbers

Arr, I got me some motley, and let’s just say my pirating skills have improved. Call me Long John Blue-Purplebeard.

After practicing my dueling skills on Igthorn, I’m stupidly taking on our captain. After e cuts off my hand, I give em my trusty cutlass so that e can make better use of it. I urge you all to sacrifice yourself as well. That bloody first mate may take our ship, but we’ll make em go through hell first, right mateys?



20-02-2006 18:25:33 UTC

Wait, I can’t buy a wooden leg. Disregard that. I’m still Bluebeard, though, and I still got beaten by Elias IX.

Also, The Lone Amigo can’t win anyway, so this coup is rather hopeless.

The Lone Amigo:

20-02-2006 22:40:32 UTC

Yarr, I forgot all about that bloody loyalty rule.