Proposal: Short attention span
Reaches quorum with 6-0 and is enacted -SingularByte
Adminned at 09 Sep 2022 16:16:10 UTC
If the proposal Quadruplication failed, this proposal does nothing. Otherwise:
In the rule Labour, replace the line “Otherwise they gain the effect of that particular Labour Action once, and then gain it an additional time for every full 24 hours it has been since the midnight after the date and time they last performed a Labour Action (as per the tracked value).” with
Otherwise they gain the effect of that particular Labour Action once, and then gain it an additional time for every full 24 hours it has been since the midnight after the date and time they last performed a Labour Action (as per the tracked value) up to a maximum of 8 additional times (i.e. 9 total).
To the list of Resources in the rule Resources: add Reed and add Paper.
Remove the Deforestation Station and replace the effect of Exploitation Station with:
The Baron chooses one of Stone (uncut), Wood(log), Coal, Iron Ore, or Reed Bundle. They gain 4 Resources of that Type and Subtype.
Remove the Concentration Station, and for anyone who had more than 3 Attention, set their Attention to 3 and add a Royal Gift to their Stockpile. Additionally, for each Labour Action effect that was dedicated entirely towards using the Concentration Station by any Baron, move the Latest Labour Action field for that Baron back by 24 hours. Here, Labour Action Effect refers specfically to the effect described in the bullet points in the rule Labour, not to the number of times Concentration Station was used via Attention. (e.g. if a Baron used a Labour Action once and it triggered two additional times, and they have an Attention of 4, then they had 3 Labour Effects rather than 12.)
Add a Station in Stations called Paper-weaving Station, with the effect “The Baron weaves 8 Reed Bundles into 4 Paper in their Personal Stockpile.”
Reword the effect of Mine to:
Manned with Power. When the Baron who owns this Keep gains the Effect of the Exploitation Station, they gain an additional 2 resources of the same type and subtype as the resource chosen in the Effect, so long as the chosen resource is one of Stone (uncut), Coal, Iron Ore.
Reword the effect of Lumbermill to:
Manned. When the Baron who owns this Keep gains the Effect of the Exploitation Station, they may gain an additional 2 Wood (Log) so long as the resource chosen in that Effect is Wood (Log).
Add an Infrastructure called Paper Press:
Cost: Wood (chopped) x 12, Iron (Plate) x 2
Effect: Manned. This Infrastructure permits the Baron to press 4 Reed Bundles into 8 Paper in their Personal Stockpile as the effect of using the Paper-weaving Station, rather than its normal effect.
Default Hit Points: 200
Maximum Population: 2
Add an Infrastructure called Foreman’s Office:
Cost: Stone (cut) x 16, Paper x 6
Effect: Manned by Sociability. A Baron who owns Infrastructure has an Attention of 2 greater.
Default Hit Points: 200
Maximum Population: 1
This proposal has three goals - firstly, it gives an incentive to not sit on Labour Actions too long. Secondly, it replaces the Concentration Station with an infrastructure so that you don’t have an incentive to dump all your actions into a positive feedback loop. A royal gift is given to anyone impacted by the nerf. Thirdly, it streamlines Labour Actions a bit by removing all the dice rolling from it.
6 stored labor is probably not enough to achieve the design purpose of letting people take breaks. I’d consider 8, corresponding to a week off including both weekends, the minimum.