Monday, April 11, 2011

Proposal: Shunning the black sheep

Quazie is not a Sheep - coppro

Adminned at 11 Apr 2011 15:57:32 UTC

If a rule entitled “Color (or colour if you swing that way)” exists then add a new rule entitled “Shunning the Black Sheep” with the following text:

If a proposal written by a sheep fails with a ratio of greater than 2 against votes to 1 for vote and is not self killed or vetoed then any sheep may flip the color of the author of said proposal to Black

If a rule entitled “Fleeced” exists then add the following to the body of that rule:

If a sheep’s color is currently Black then any Sheep may change that Sheep’s Fleece to Shorne

This black sheep doesn’t have 3 bags full after all…


ais523: Custodian

11-04-2011 22:56:57 UTC

I fear this would just lead to people s/king proposals as soon as it looked like they were about to fail. (Unless being Black, or Shorn, is good somehow…)