Friday, March 10, 2023

Proposal: Situational Awareness

Reaches quorum 6-0 and is enacted -SingularByte

Adminned at 11 Mar 2023 16:44:43 UTC

In the subrule “Location”, remove the following text:

At any time, a Runner may privately request a Glance around their current Location from the Gridmaster, to which the Gridmaster replies with that Runner’s current Location, their full Spoor, and the names of all Runners (if any) who are Nearby that Runner.

In the subrule “Encounters”, replace this text:

Whenever the set of Runners which are Nearby a Runner changes, the Gridmaster must privately inform that Runner of this.

with this text:

Whenever the set of Runners which are Nearby a Runner changes, the Gridmaster must execute the Status Report action for that Runner as described in the subrule Status Report

In the rule “Power”, remove the following text:

At any time, a Runner can privately request their current Power value from the Gridmaster, to which the Gridmaster should respond with the Runner’s current Power value.

In the rule “Running”, add the following bullet point just before the last bullet point:

* Execute the Status Report action for each Live Runner as described in the subrule “Status Report”

In the rule “Basic Grid Rules”, add a subrule called “Status Report” and give it the following text:

When the Gridmaster takes the action Status Report, they privately inform the target Runner of the following in a single message, each of which is regarding that Runner and the values at the time the message is sent:
* Location
* Spoor
* Power
* The names of all Runners (if any) who are Nearby that Runner

I’ve had issues where someone requested a Glance, but what triggered them to ask for the Glance had happened while they were not around. When they actually asked for the Glance, the information had changed, which isn’t fair to the person who asked. Instead, let’s just have the information spit out automatically as each Runner becomes aware of their surroundings when things change. I don’t mind the administrative task of messaging each Live Runner when called for.


JonathanDark: he/him

10-03-2023 14:34:57 UTC

I realized that I had incorrectly stated the problem in the commentary, so if you saw the original version of my commentary, ignore it as it was confusing. What’s up there now is the correct issue I’m trying to address.

Kevan: he/him

10-03-2023 19:02:19 UTC


SingularByte: he/him

10-03-2023 20:53:30 UTC


Raven1207: he/they

10-03-2023 22:46:04 UTC



11-03-2023 05:17:58 UTC


Lulu: she/her

11-03-2023 15:43:33 UTC
